Why Everything Good Said About Net Neutrality is a Lie
Why Everything Good Said About Net Neutrality is a Lie
Net Neutrality sought to save Americans from the vagaries of the market like Bell Telephone did when it was a monopoly. Those were the good ole days when a telephone call to grandma, in another city, cost an arm and a leg. So you’d wait until after 10 pm when it wouldn’t break the bank. If grandma was on her deathbed, you’d pray for her to hang on till the rates were affordable. If she died, at least you saved the rent money from Bell Telephone’s voracious, government-controlled monopoly.
Why are monopolies bad?
It works like this: if there is only one of something, you have no choice, no freedom to choose, because there’d have to be at least two of something, to have a choice. By deregulating the telephone industry, which was government controlled, America had its Wizard of Oz moment as Dorthy fell from the sky onto the wicked witch. In that moment the world of telecommunications went from black and white to full technicolor.
Suddenly, inexplicably (to a liberal, at least) the clouds broke and cellphones with HD cameras, HD video recorders, Mp3 players, with better sound than your old $2000 stereo—plus tiny TV’s, and access to the world wide web became possible—all for less than that one call to grandma’s house a couple of zip codes away. That, my friends, is the power of freedom. It is also the power of Free Markets. Oh, and one more thing, once deregulation occurred, you could call virtually anywhere in the world, for the same price as a local call.
It should be obvious, you can’t have freedom and not have free markets.
Americans, unlike most of the rest of the world, literally, got fat, because of such freedom. This is even true of poor people living here—who aren’t really poor—except as measured against America herself. Europeans followed America’s lead, but only after two global wars, totaling 100 million dead. And that doesn’t begin to speak to Communism’s 100 million-plus death-toll over a meager 70 years. Unfortunately, many European countries are returning to their leftwing, fascist roots, while communism makes a big comeback on college campuses, thereby, laying the foundation for America’s eternal demise.
Some people never learn I guess. The call to “Free stuff” is simply too compelling.
None of it is actually free, of course, but they don’t know that. Meaning, when the bill comes due and inflation is eating away at your paycheck, food prices are soaring, with housing prices taking flight like a hot air balloon, just wait, some lying sack-of-shit politician will have the answer, “More free stuff!” And The People will buy it, lock, stock, and barrel, while the muck deepens, along with the debt.
"Viva Las Vegas!"
Sincerely, Fester Bestertester
Net Neutrality sought to save Americans from the vagaries of the market like Bell Telephone did when it was a monopoly. Those were the good ole days when a telephone call to grandma, in another city, cost an arm and a leg. So you’d wait until after 10 pm when it wouldn’t break the bank. If grandma was on her deathbed, you’d pray for her to hang on till the rates were affordable. If she died, at least you saved the rent money from Bell Telephone’s voracious, government-controlled monopoly.
Why are monopolies bad?
It works like this: if there is only one of something, you have no choice, no freedom to choose, because there’d have to be at least two of something, to have a choice. By deregulating the telephone industry, which was government controlled, America had its Wizard of Oz moment as Dorthy fell from the sky onto the wicked witch. In that moment the world of telecommunications went from black and white to full technicolor.
Suddenly, inexplicably (to a liberal, at least) the clouds broke and cellphones with HD cameras, HD video recorders, Mp3 players, with better sound than your old $2000 stereo—plus tiny TV’s, and access to the world wide web became possible—all for less than that one call to grandma’s house a couple of zip codes away. That, my friends, is the power of freedom. It is also the power of Free Markets. Oh, and one more thing, once deregulation occurred, you could call virtually anywhere in the world, for the same price as a local call.
It should be obvious, you can’t have freedom and not have free markets.
Americans, unlike most of the rest of the world, literally, got fat, because of such freedom. This is even true of poor people living here—who aren’t really poor—except as measured against America herself. Europeans followed America’s lead, but only after two global wars, totaling 100 million dead. And that doesn’t begin to speak to Communism’s 100 million-plus death-toll over a meager 70 years. Unfortunately, many European countries are returning to their leftwing, fascist roots, while communism makes a big comeback on college campuses, thereby, laying the foundation for America’s eternal demise.
Some people never learn I guess. The call to “Free stuff” is simply too compelling.
None of it is actually free, of course, but they don’t know that. Meaning, when the bill comes due and inflation is eating away at your paycheck, food prices are soaring, with housing prices taking flight like a hot air balloon, just wait, some lying sack-of-shit politician will have the answer, “More free stuff!” And The People will buy it, lock, stock, and barrel, while the muck deepens, along with the debt.
"Viva Las Vegas!"
Sincerely, Fester Bestertester