Who Needs War?
Who Needs War?
Why bomb Syria? As best I can tell, because the hawks and imbeciles got together and decided that President Trump’s desire to pull out of Syria, was flat-out bad for the world, if by the world you mean the people who hold all the power, including the media. They see an opportunity to thrust the President into an untenable position and force his hand, thereby reigning in America’s wayward son, who dared to think he could make a difference. Obama found out the hard way that no one really gave a crap about his inward ambitions, so he played golf and settled into his new role as protector of the realm of globalist power brokers. And, when his tenure was over, the big payoffs began, lining his and Michele’s pockets in the form of a quick 70 million for a couple of books that almost no one will read. I guess if you can’t beat em’, join em’.
"Now, listen closely and you can hear the voices of greedy fat cats calling for a new war."
“We need a war, by God! We haven’t created enough chaos in The Middle East, killed enough people, spent enough cash. We need to latch onto The People’s purse like a rabid Gila Monster, and suck it dry. Especially when you consider those fricken Trump tax cuts! Are you kidding me! They allow working people to keep more of their hard-earned cash. How’s that fair?”
Let’s look at a few things a bit closer; Bashir al-Assad, Syria’s president, is almost sane, relatively speaking. But Obama, “The Peace President,” bombed his country into oblivion, using proxies, thereby unleashing ISIS, who then slaughtered their way across the region, torturing and murdering men, women, and children, burning heretics and enemies at the stake, and crucifying dissenters, literally. The same thing happened in Iraq when President Obama, against all admonitions, decided to pull out of the country and leave a military force behind that was so small that it instantly led to—not peace—but even more slaughter, as ISIS took root in Obama’s dwindling wake. In response, Obama “The Peace President,” stood by and did precious little, as one of the most significant murder cults in history, wiped out the oldest Christian cultures on earth, dating almost to the time of Christ. Because nothing says pacifism, like standing by while a fundamentalist, Satanic death-cult kills hundreds of thousands of people, as they worship "The Prince of Peace.".
“Save a few, and kill millions!” that should be America’s new slogan.
“So, by all means, President Trump, if you’re not really Putin’s stooge, you will bomb Assad to prove you’re a true, blue American,” said the press. But, even if Trump does drop some bombs, (and he did,) the story changes, yet again, and the press declares, it was all a charade to misdirect the world from Robert Mueller’s investigation, as Mueller single-highhandedly defies the Constitution and hunts for a crime, any crime, to pin on the President. This is the media’s not-so-subtle mantra. A media, so g-d damned repulsive they’d kill half the world, while destroying American prosperity, just to make Trump look bad and keep their jobs as mouthpieces for the world’s oligarchs.
Let’s be clear, they are the imbeciles. They are the Hawks, along with the globalists fat cats; the international banks, global corporations, and run-of-the-mill multi-billionaires, who think Americans are too damned dumb to rule themselves—and, at least half the nation, daily, confirms their suspicions.
We might as well roll the media and the Democrats into a single entity since that’s how both function, as symbiotic organisms.
All of this means one thing, President Trump will have to walk a tightrope so fine, so thin, it can barely be seen by the naked eye.
It makes me want to kick somebody’s ass.
Mark Magula
Why bomb Syria? As best I can tell, because the hawks and imbeciles got together and decided that President Trump’s desire to pull out of Syria, was flat-out bad for the world, if by the world you mean the people who hold all the power, including the media. They see an opportunity to thrust the President into an untenable position and force his hand, thereby reigning in America’s wayward son, who dared to think he could make a difference. Obama found out the hard way that no one really gave a crap about his inward ambitions, so he played golf and settled into his new role as protector of the realm of globalist power brokers. And, when his tenure was over, the big payoffs began, lining his and Michele’s pockets in the form of a quick 70 million for a couple of books that almost no one will read. I guess if you can’t beat em’, join em’.
"Now, listen closely and you can hear the voices of greedy fat cats calling for a new war."
“We need a war, by God! We haven’t created enough chaos in The Middle East, killed enough people, spent enough cash. We need to latch onto The People’s purse like a rabid Gila Monster, and suck it dry. Especially when you consider those fricken Trump tax cuts! Are you kidding me! They allow working people to keep more of their hard-earned cash. How’s that fair?”
Let’s look at a few things a bit closer; Bashir al-Assad, Syria’s president, is almost sane, relatively speaking. But Obama, “The Peace President,” bombed his country into oblivion, using proxies, thereby unleashing ISIS, who then slaughtered their way across the region, torturing and murdering men, women, and children, burning heretics and enemies at the stake, and crucifying dissenters, literally. The same thing happened in Iraq when President Obama, against all admonitions, decided to pull out of the country and leave a military force behind that was so small that it instantly led to—not peace—but even more slaughter, as ISIS took root in Obama’s dwindling wake. In response, Obama “The Peace President,” stood by and did precious little, as one of the most significant murder cults in history, wiped out the oldest Christian cultures on earth, dating almost to the time of Christ. Because nothing says pacifism, like standing by while a fundamentalist, Satanic death-cult kills hundreds of thousands of people, as they worship "The Prince of Peace.".
“Save a few, and kill millions!” that should be America’s new slogan.
“So, by all means, President Trump, if you’re not really Putin’s stooge, you will bomb Assad to prove you’re a true, blue American,” said the press. But, even if Trump does drop some bombs, (and he did,) the story changes, yet again, and the press declares, it was all a charade to misdirect the world from Robert Mueller’s investigation, as Mueller single-highhandedly defies the Constitution and hunts for a crime, any crime, to pin on the President. This is the media’s not-so-subtle mantra. A media, so g-d damned repulsive they’d kill half the world, while destroying American prosperity, just to make Trump look bad and keep their jobs as mouthpieces for the world’s oligarchs.
Let’s be clear, they are the imbeciles. They are the Hawks, along with the globalists fat cats; the international banks, global corporations, and run-of-the-mill multi-billionaires, who think Americans are too damned dumb to rule themselves—and, at least half the nation, daily, confirms their suspicions.
We might as well roll the media and the Democrats into a single entity since that’s how both function, as symbiotic organisms.
All of this means one thing, President Trump will have to walk a tightrope so fine, so thin, it can barely be seen by the naked eye.
It makes me want to kick somebody’s ass.
Mark Magula