White Cracker-Ass Niggas
White Cracker-Ass Niggas
It’s like niggas dumb. Now, I ain’t talking bout Black people, even the ones who’s already niggas. I mean, average, run-of-the-mill White folk, so liberal, tryin’ so hard to be liberal enough, but you cain’t be liberal enough, if you a good liberal….them kind’a niggas.
That’s what I’m talking bout.
These some White-ass, cracker kind’a niggas. They be like Calvinists. Cain’t never be good enough, cause their liberal god will not accept their penitence, you see. So they push, and they push, and they push, everything, to the breaking point.
And then they push some more.
“I am sick of these muthafuckas! Sick! Sick! Sick!” Killin’ babies, and don’t think nuthin bout it, except pride, that they had an abortion, like that means something.
You got to be a real genocidal cracker-ass, White muthafuckin nigga to think like that.
Bust’a Crab
It’s like niggas dumb. Now, I ain’t talking bout Black people, even the ones who’s already niggas. I mean, average, run-of-the-mill White folk, so liberal, tryin’ so hard to be liberal enough, but you cain’t be liberal enough, if you a good liberal….them kind’a niggas.
That’s what I’m talking bout.
These some White-ass, cracker kind’a niggas. They be like Calvinists. Cain’t never be good enough, cause their liberal god will not accept their penitence, you see. So they push, and they push, and they push, everything, to the breaking point.
And then they push some more.
“I am sick of these muthafuckas! Sick! Sick! Sick!” Killin’ babies, and don’t think nuthin bout it, except pride, that they had an abortion, like that means something.
You got to be a real genocidal cracker-ass, White muthafuckin nigga to think like that.
Bust’a Crab