Washington Saves America from Pot Smoking Mass Murderers
Finally, politicians moved to eliminate mass shootings by denying medical marijuana users their 2nd amendment rights. Because we all know, it’s those pot-heads, listening to Led Zeppelin and Metallica that is the real problem.
How many mass shootings are committed by medical marijuana users? None. A far as I can tell. But politicians can say they've done something, even if that “Something,” will do nothing to prevent mass shootings. It could be rationally argued, that one; this is unconstitutional. And two; that using pot to aid in eating, as it does for medical marijuana users suffering from cancer, doesn't preclude your right to defend yourself from a murderer or a thief.
This is politics exposed for what it is, a ruthless dogfight for power.
Society, however, is mad about mass shootings, especially the kind at schools, where our kids are sitting targets, for some looney with an A-R-15.
What percentage of mass shootings occur, using an A-R-15 or a similar weapon? About 3%. The other 97% is the result of more traditional handguns. But they're mostly ghetto kids, Black kids, so it just doesn't register the same way, in terms of public concern. That’s not bigotry, though.
Given time, race hustlers like Al Sharpton will recognize the value of making all mass shootings the same, for purely racial reasons, which can then be parlayed into some fast cash, thereby lining said race hustler’s pockets.
This same thing happened with the Crack epidemic, back in the 80’s. The crack wars turned the inner city from a Democrat-controlled hell-hole, into even more of a hell-hole, while still being Democrat controlled. The Crack epidemic and the ensuing lethality, which was substantially gang driven, made those neighborhoods unlivable. Eventually, the victims, meaning, the people living in those neighborhoods, demanded action from law enforcement, who proceeded to crack down on criminal gangs, (no pun intended.)
As time wore on, though, people like The Reverend Al Sharpton declared that too many young, Black men were in prison. Because of the “Prison industrial complex,” not for selling crack and murdering 10-year-olds. In that way, The Reverend Al and his Leftist cronies could play both sides and raise the maximum amount of money, so as to buy mansions and a new a Cadillac, plus sundry other goods that might stop racist Americans for intentionally putting young, Black men in jail, to satisfy “The prison industrial complex.”
Now, a generation before, these same government-run housing, complexes were home to, two-parent families, and I don’t mean two gay people or two trans people. But two parents, a mom and a dad, as God intended, since obviously, there can be no offspring, without a mom and a dad (This, will be news to Progressives,) which is science, minus the leftwing political ideology—aka, the voluminous political insanity offered by social justice warriors, with the Democrat party lurking just in the background, to take full advantage.
Unfortunately, the massive growth in the welfare state in the mid-1960’s, under LBJ, literally destroyed the Black two-parent family, and incentivized the single mom, with 5 kids, to remain unmarried. Even Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton understood this equation, and just how destructive it was. But, they couldn’t say much, because it was their party that fostered it to begin with. And these same poor-folks, mostly Black, suffered for it.
Today, 73% of all Black kids have no dad in the home. The numbers are about 50% for Hispanics, with nearly 30% for Whites. If you look at most of the mass school shooters, they come from fatherless homes, as do the inner city gang murderers, with all the intended social breakdown that follows, fatherless homes, regardless of their point of origin. Inner city killings account for most gun-related murder, including mass shootings, and can be narrowed to a handful of zip codes, in a handful of cities, in a handful of States in the U.S.—and every damned one of them is Democrat controlled, and have been for 50 years.
But, by all means, play the race card and the poverty card, neither of which could be sustained without the welfare state, while politicians whittle away at the rights of the rest of Americans as scapegoats. It’s far easier to do that than it is to admit you’re wrong because those same politicians will lose power if they do.
In response, too many American take sides, like illiterate children, looking for a solution to a problem that they don’t understand, or, are even willing to try and understand, outside of their political preferences. It’s just easier to take sides.
Meanwhile, the poverty pimps and racist demagogues play both angles like a Wall Street shark, hustling grandma for her social security check. And the politicians are right there with them. With the people, just a hair behind. The blind leading the blind. The deaf and dumb, as well.
Mark Magula
How many mass shootings are committed by medical marijuana users? None. A far as I can tell. But politicians can say they've done something, even if that “Something,” will do nothing to prevent mass shootings. It could be rationally argued, that one; this is unconstitutional. And two; that using pot to aid in eating, as it does for medical marijuana users suffering from cancer, doesn't preclude your right to defend yourself from a murderer or a thief.
This is politics exposed for what it is, a ruthless dogfight for power.
Society, however, is mad about mass shootings, especially the kind at schools, where our kids are sitting targets, for some looney with an A-R-15.
What percentage of mass shootings occur, using an A-R-15 or a similar weapon? About 3%. The other 97% is the result of more traditional handguns. But they're mostly ghetto kids, Black kids, so it just doesn't register the same way, in terms of public concern. That’s not bigotry, though.
Given time, race hustlers like Al Sharpton will recognize the value of making all mass shootings the same, for purely racial reasons, which can then be parlayed into some fast cash, thereby lining said race hustler’s pockets.
This same thing happened with the Crack epidemic, back in the 80’s. The crack wars turned the inner city from a Democrat-controlled hell-hole, into even more of a hell-hole, while still being Democrat controlled. The Crack epidemic and the ensuing lethality, which was substantially gang driven, made those neighborhoods unlivable. Eventually, the victims, meaning, the people living in those neighborhoods, demanded action from law enforcement, who proceeded to crack down on criminal gangs, (no pun intended.)
As time wore on, though, people like The Reverend Al Sharpton declared that too many young, Black men were in prison. Because of the “Prison industrial complex,” not for selling crack and murdering 10-year-olds. In that way, The Reverend Al and his Leftist cronies could play both sides and raise the maximum amount of money, so as to buy mansions and a new a Cadillac, plus sundry other goods that might stop racist Americans for intentionally putting young, Black men in jail, to satisfy “The prison industrial complex.”
Now, a generation before, these same government-run housing, complexes were home to, two-parent families, and I don’t mean two gay people or two trans people. But two parents, a mom and a dad, as God intended, since obviously, there can be no offspring, without a mom and a dad (This, will be news to Progressives,) which is science, minus the leftwing political ideology—aka, the voluminous political insanity offered by social justice warriors, with the Democrat party lurking just in the background, to take full advantage.
Unfortunately, the massive growth in the welfare state in the mid-1960’s, under LBJ, literally destroyed the Black two-parent family, and incentivized the single mom, with 5 kids, to remain unmarried. Even Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton understood this equation, and just how destructive it was. But, they couldn’t say much, because it was their party that fostered it to begin with. And these same poor-folks, mostly Black, suffered for it.
Today, 73% of all Black kids have no dad in the home. The numbers are about 50% for Hispanics, with nearly 30% for Whites. If you look at most of the mass school shooters, they come from fatherless homes, as do the inner city gang murderers, with all the intended social breakdown that follows, fatherless homes, regardless of their point of origin. Inner city killings account for most gun-related murder, including mass shootings, and can be narrowed to a handful of zip codes, in a handful of cities, in a handful of States in the U.S.—and every damned one of them is Democrat controlled, and have been for 50 years.
But, by all means, play the race card and the poverty card, neither of which could be sustained without the welfare state, while politicians whittle away at the rights of the rest of Americans as scapegoats. It’s far easier to do that than it is to admit you’re wrong because those same politicians will lose power if they do.
In response, too many American take sides, like illiterate children, looking for a solution to a problem that they don’t understand, or, are even willing to try and understand, outside of their political preferences. It’s just easier to take sides.
Meanwhile, the poverty pimps and racist demagogues play both angles like a Wall Street shark, hustling grandma for her social security check. And the politicians are right there with them. With the people, just a hair behind. The blind leading the blind. The deaf and dumb, as well.
Mark Magula