Traitors & Lies
“Traitors & Lies”
How corrupt is The Media? Here’s an example: the governor of California and state legislature want to make it impossible for any presidential candidate to be on the ballot in their state, unless, they make public five years of tax returns. Thus, either forcing president Trump’s hand (regarding his tax returns) or, keep the President of United States off the ballot, giving the state’s large cache of electoral votes to the opposition.
This won’t work, of course, but they’ll give it a try anyway. This is as corrupt as corrupt can be, but hope springs eternal when your constituents are willful idiots.
In reality, The FBI had the president’s tax returns before he ever took office. Certainly, when The FBI investigated Russian collusion and found none. This finding occurred long before Robert Mueller was a gleam in The Media and The Democrat’s jaundiced eye. How do I know this? Because The FBI head, James Comey, said so, publicly, before a packed congressional house, on live TV. This salient point was ignored by the press. Instead, they focused on any negative thing said by Comey about the president, while carefully ignoring Comey’s profoundly exculpatory statement, regarding the President’s innocence on the charge of collusion. At that moment, however, and with every negative word uttered towards the president, James Comey went from being the reviled, sub-human thing that cost Hillary the election, to become a hero of the self-ordained, media-proletariat. This could not happen without “The Press” donning a pair of lead-lined blinders, just in case a sliver of contrary light should shine thru. Likewise, when Robert Mueller, during his recent congressional hearing was asked if he had, in any way, been halted or obstructed from doing his job, Mueller answered clearly and simply with “No.” How, then, did The President obstruct, if Mueller and crew were not obstructed? Because he yelled about being falsely accused of treason, said things like “Fire him!” in a moment of anger, without ever following through? Do I need to say that courts of law don’t determine guilt or innocence based on what a prosecutor believes someone intended, instead of what they actually did? Moreover, Mueller’s findings were one side of a two-sided legal process that demands a legal defense. Any competent defense attorney could've knocked down the claim of collusion or obstruction by simply following the actual law, and Mueller and crew understood this. The Press, however, pretended they didn’t know how our legal system works. The centuries-old Constitution, the older Magna Carta, The Law of Moses, or even the very ancient Code of Hammurabi were all ignored, so The Press could summon a lynch mob instead.
The FBI, in accordance with the law, looks into the background of every high-level official about to take office. Just as they already had when Brett Kavanaugh was publicly lynched before the world by The Press and the Democrats, in an effort to keep him off the Supreme Court. At any time. The Press could have debunked the endless conspiracy theories about Judge Kavanaugh, but they chose not to. Because the mainstream press is political. Plus, stories with that kind of heat, drive ad revenue, thus enriching the media succubi in the process. It also aids in their not-so-secret political bias.
The very same charade was played out during Congressman Jerry “The Toad” Nadler’s public smear campaign against The President, in the wake of Robert Mueller’s “Not Guilty!” verdict. “The Toad” (as he shall henceforth be known) wanted to re-litigate the whole Mueller investigation publicly, which violates the heart of American Jurisprudence, as did Robert Mueller’s statement “I didn’t exonerate The President,” as though Mueller was a priest offering absolution, instead an officer of the court, bound by the law.
This parody of American justice was carried aloft by an eager press, looking to justify years of determined, politically motivated lies. Regardless, America’s foremost imbeciles kept hope alive, trying desperately to subvert the electoral process during the mid-terms, and regain power, aided and abetted by “Big Tech,” who control the new, digital, information super-highway. Americans, it appears, are too stupid to think for themselves, and are in desperate need of translators who will tell them what their masters want them to think.
Make no mistake, that is the battleground, and it’s happening all over the Western world. America can only survive as “America,” if the Constitution and The Bill of Rights continue to empower “The American People,” to direct their own future. This does not include illegal immigrants, heads of a European state, or any other group outside this country—and anyone who says otherwise, is the real traitor.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Mark Magula
How corrupt is The Media? Here’s an example: the governor of California and state legislature want to make it impossible for any presidential candidate to be on the ballot in their state, unless, they make public five years of tax returns. Thus, either forcing president Trump’s hand (regarding his tax returns) or, keep the President of United States off the ballot, giving the state’s large cache of electoral votes to the opposition.
This won’t work, of course, but they’ll give it a try anyway. This is as corrupt as corrupt can be, but hope springs eternal when your constituents are willful idiots.
In reality, The FBI had the president’s tax returns before he ever took office. Certainly, when The FBI investigated Russian collusion and found none. This finding occurred long before Robert Mueller was a gleam in The Media and The Democrat’s jaundiced eye. How do I know this? Because The FBI head, James Comey, said so, publicly, before a packed congressional house, on live TV. This salient point was ignored by the press. Instead, they focused on any negative thing said by Comey about the president, while carefully ignoring Comey’s profoundly exculpatory statement, regarding the President’s innocence on the charge of collusion. At that moment, however, and with every negative word uttered towards the president, James Comey went from being the reviled, sub-human thing that cost Hillary the election, to become a hero of the self-ordained, media-proletariat. This could not happen without “The Press” donning a pair of lead-lined blinders, just in case a sliver of contrary light should shine thru. Likewise, when Robert Mueller, during his recent congressional hearing was asked if he had, in any way, been halted or obstructed from doing his job, Mueller answered clearly and simply with “No.” How, then, did The President obstruct, if Mueller and crew were not obstructed? Because he yelled about being falsely accused of treason, said things like “Fire him!” in a moment of anger, without ever following through? Do I need to say that courts of law don’t determine guilt or innocence based on what a prosecutor believes someone intended, instead of what they actually did? Moreover, Mueller’s findings were one side of a two-sided legal process that demands a legal defense. Any competent defense attorney could've knocked down the claim of collusion or obstruction by simply following the actual law, and Mueller and crew understood this. The Press, however, pretended they didn’t know how our legal system works. The centuries-old Constitution, the older Magna Carta, The Law of Moses, or even the very ancient Code of Hammurabi were all ignored, so The Press could summon a lynch mob instead.
The FBI, in accordance with the law, looks into the background of every high-level official about to take office. Just as they already had when Brett Kavanaugh was publicly lynched before the world by The Press and the Democrats, in an effort to keep him off the Supreme Court. At any time. The Press could have debunked the endless conspiracy theories about Judge Kavanaugh, but they chose not to. Because the mainstream press is political. Plus, stories with that kind of heat, drive ad revenue, thus enriching the media succubi in the process. It also aids in their not-so-secret political bias.
The very same charade was played out during Congressman Jerry “The Toad” Nadler’s public smear campaign against The President, in the wake of Robert Mueller’s “Not Guilty!” verdict. “The Toad” (as he shall henceforth be known) wanted to re-litigate the whole Mueller investigation publicly, which violates the heart of American Jurisprudence, as did Robert Mueller’s statement “I didn’t exonerate The President,” as though Mueller was a priest offering absolution, instead an officer of the court, bound by the law.
This parody of American justice was carried aloft by an eager press, looking to justify years of determined, politically motivated lies. Regardless, America’s foremost imbeciles kept hope alive, trying desperately to subvert the electoral process during the mid-terms, and regain power, aided and abetted by “Big Tech,” who control the new, digital, information super-highway. Americans, it appears, are too stupid to think for themselves, and are in desperate need of translators who will tell them what their masters want them to think.
Make no mistake, that is the battleground, and it’s happening all over the Western world. America can only survive as “America,” if the Constitution and The Bill of Rights continue to empower “The American People,” to direct their own future. This does not include illegal immigrants, heads of a European state, or any other group outside this country—and anyone who says otherwise, is the real traitor.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Mark Magula