The Rebirth of the Silent Majority
Never have so may remained silent while a very few strategically placed people changed the world. And, almost certainly for the worse. I could be wrong. No one can predict the future with absolute accuracy. There is history, however.
Here is the shorthand. President Obama strikes a deal with Iran filled with side-deals that basically facilitate Iran's getting a nuclear arsenal, and greatly enriches them in the process. He does this while essentially acknowledging that Iran is the single greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world.
Moreover, he negotiates a treaty that isn't really a treaty. By not calling it a treaty he can bypass congress and act alone. "Who needs a of separation powers anyways. They're just anachronistic rules that are inconvenient." In other words, whether his treaty is actually called a treaty, doesn't matter, it's still a rotting carcass of a deal--regardless of what you choose to call it--and it smells just as rancid.
Worse still, he openly lies about what's in this non treaty. Does this deter his supporters? Of course not. Like his continual lies about Obama Care or his change to immigration policy by fiat, he says one thing and then simply does another. It's like watching a cult member sing praises to Jesus in order to get your money, while crossing their fingers and toes hoping you don't see the scam. And, if you do, no problem, because he is Obama and your not.
It should be obvious that it requires enormous arrogance to act alone in a nation of three hundred and twenty million people.
"Disregard for the rule of law and the constitution? Come on, that was written by slave-holding White men, what's the problem?"
Apparently, for some Americans, not a damned thing. They've got better things to do, like; celebrate men who are really women, or free contraceptives that aren't really free, or more sick-time for those few who still have a job. As I said, never have so few, said so little that was true, while potentially doing so much harm to so many.
Mark Magula
Here is the shorthand. President Obama strikes a deal with Iran filled with side-deals that basically facilitate Iran's getting a nuclear arsenal, and greatly enriches them in the process. He does this while essentially acknowledging that Iran is the single greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world.
Moreover, he negotiates a treaty that isn't really a treaty. By not calling it a treaty he can bypass congress and act alone. "Who needs a of separation powers anyways. They're just anachronistic rules that are inconvenient." In other words, whether his treaty is actually called a treaty, doesn't matter, it's still a rotting carcass of a deal--regardless of what you choose to call it--and it smells just as rancid.
Worse still, he openly lies about what's in this non treaty. Does this deter his supporters? Of course not. Like his continual lies about Obama Care or his change to immigration policy by fiat, he says one thing and then simply does another. It's like watching a cult member sing praises to Jesus in order to get your money, while crossing their fingers and toes hoping you don't see the scam. And, if you do, no problem, because he is Obama and your not.
It should be obvious that it requires enormous arrogance to act alone in a nation of three hundred and twenty million people.
"Disregard for the rule of law and the constitution? Come on, that was written by slave-holding White men, what's the problem?"
Apparently, for some Americans, not a damned thing. They've got better things to do, like; celebrate men who are really women, or free contraceptives that aren't really free, or more sick-time for those few who still have a job. As I said, never have so few, said so little that was true, while potentially doing so much harm to so many.
Mark Magula