The Patriarchy is Alive and Well
The Patriarchy Is Alive and Well
The patriarchy is real. This isn’t really controversial, although, it will create controversy because words and their meaning change, depending on who’s listening. For instance, if I say that men are the dominant members of the human family, everyone should just shrug and say “No kidding! Now tell us something we don’t know!” At which point everyone goes back to doing what they were previously doing—men dominating—women acting in a slightly subordinate role that was equal, just not quite as equal.
These gender roles were never strictly followed, there were always women who dominated their husbands, and some men clearly preferred to take the subordinate role. In a free society, people are free to live as they choose, without politicians defining the boundaries of their freedom. The reason why should be painfully obvious; if politicians can define the limits of your freedom, then, you’re not really free.
The male lion, for instance, is the dominant member of a pride of lions. He’s bigger, faster, stronger, more aggressive, and better suited to the role of defender of the family, than any single female lion. Let that same male lion get too far out of line, however, and he may find himself facing two or three very angry female lions who are willing to do whatever they have to, to set him straight. The females then go get the groceries, while the male lion chills. When it comes time to eat, the male steps up eats his fill, and only then, do the women and children take their turn.
Why do the female lions tolerate this freeloader? Why don’t they just tell him to take a hike?
Again, the answer is simple. The male lion is anything but a freeloader. He is the last and best line of defense against other predators, including other male lions, who will likely kill the mother’s offspring in an effort to bring the females into estrus, so they’ll accept his sexual advances. The lone male strong enough to defend the pride ensures the survival of the whole family of lions, which is why the male lion eats first. Similarly, the lion cubs who possess their father’s dominant genes will probably be better adapted to the survival of the whole species. This is true for both the males and females. In a predatory world, strength is the most valuable of traits. You’ll find this same behavior to be true with gorillas, crocodiles, cats, dogs, hippos, giraffes, and most of the rest of the animal kingdom. There are exceptions, of course, but exceptions only tend to prove the rule. The simple truth is, the patriarchy is alive and well, just about everywhere on planet earth, by design, it seems.
This last statement may cause consternation to proponents of evolution, since the term “Design,” implies God and not evolution, as the source of life. But, it’s only controversial to scientists who believe evolution disproves God. When, in fact, evolution doesn’t begin to answer the questions posed by the extraordinary complexity of existence, on either the macro or micro level. On the other hand, neither does the bible. Once again, this last series of sentences will create controversy, like some of my previous sentences. Although, they aren’t really controversial, except, as they’re filtered by the person listening, then, they can be very controversial.
So, to sum it all up, the patriarchy is alive and well, reflecting God’s purpose. Maybe evolution’s purpose. Maybe both. Maybe neither. This does not mean women are unequal. Nor should they be treated as such. However, if we are free to live as we choose, our natures will eventually tell us what is most natural, and what isn’t. With some tweaking, for sure. The one thing that is certain, giving our freedoms over to an enlightened few, will be the end of freedom. And, if you think the patriarchy is unfair, try staring down the barrel of a tank, and you will quickly find out, just how unfair the world can be.
Mark Magula
The patriarchy is real. This isn’t really controversial, although, it will create controversy because words and their meaning change, depending on who’s listening. For instance, if I say that men are the dominant members of the human family, everyone should just shrug and say “No kidding! Now tell us something we don’t know!” At which point everyone goes back to doing what they were previously doing—men dominating—women acting in a slightly subordinate role that was equal, just not quite as equal.
These gender roles were never strictly followed, there were always women who dominated their husbands, and some men clearly preferred to take the subordinate role. In a free society, people are free to live as they choose, without politicians defining the boundaries of their freedom. The reason why should be painfully obvious; if politicians can define the limits of your freedom, then, you’re not really free.
The male lion, for instance, is the dominant member of a pride of lions. He’s bigger, faster, stronger, more aggressive, and better suited to the role of defender of the family, than any single female lion. Let that same male lion get too far out of line, however, and he may find himself facing two or three very angry female lions who are willing to do whatever they have to, to set him straight. The females then go get the groceries, while the male lion chills. When it comes time to eat, the male steps up eats his fill, and only then, do the women and children take their turn.
Why do the female lions tolerate this freeloader? Why don’t they just tell him to take a hike?
Again, the answer is simple. The male lion is anything but a freeloader. He is the last and best line of defense against other predators, including other male lions, who will likely kill the mother’s offspring in an effort to bring the females into estrus, so they’ll accept his sexual advances. The lone male strong enough to defend the pride ensures the survival of the whole family of lions, which is why the male lion eats first. Similarly, the lion cubs who possess their father’s dominant genes will probably be better adapted to the survival of the whole species. This is true for both the males and females. In a predatory world, strength is the most valuable of traits. You’ll find this same behavior to be true with gorillas, crocodiles, cats, dogs, hippos, giraffes, and most of the rest of the animal kingdom. There are exceptions, of course, but exceptions only tend to prove the rule. The simple truth is, the patriarchy is alive and well, just about everywhere on planet earth, by design, it seems.
This last statement may cause consternation to proponents of evolution, since the term “Design,” implies God and not evolution, as the source of life. But, it’s only controversial to scientists who believe evolution disproves God. When, in fact, evolution doesn’t begin to answer the questions posed by the extraordinary complexity of existence, on either the macro or micro level. On the other hand, neither does the bible. Once again, this last series of sentences will create controversy, like some of my previous sentences. Although, they aren’t really controversial, except, as they’re filtered by the person listening, then, they can be very controversial.
So, to sum it all up, the patriarchy is alive and well, reflecting God’s purpose. Maybe evolution’s purpose. Maybe both. Maybe neither. This does not mean women are unequal. Nor should they be treated as such. However, if we are free to live as we choose, our natures will eventually tell us what is most natural, and what isn’t. With some tweaking, for sure. The one thing that is certain, giving our freedoms over to an enlightened few, will be the end of freedom. And, if you think the patriarchy is unfair, try staring down the barrel of a tank, and you will quickly find out, just how unfair the world can be.
Mark Magula