The Nation of Lucifer
The Nation of Lucifer
Watch as the media pervs fall from high places like Lucifer falling from Heaven. I mean, if you’re dumb enough to challenge God, there’s probably no hope for you. That’s what the left did with Bill O’Reilly. Once the demigod of rightwing talkers was taken down, they figured the rest would follow. Just as Satan and his minions had fallen, when they challenged God. Or, at least that was the plan.
When the leftist group Media Matters went after Sean Hannity, after successfully uprooting O’Reilly, they became flush with the blood of Republicans. “No one can stop us!” they cackled gleefully. Until Sean Hannity lawyer-ed up. Then, the game was on—and being pussies, every last one of them—they eventually backed off. I’m surprised they didn’t complain that they’d been bullied and file a lawsuit.
Now, however, the tables have turned and the pervs in the Democratic party are fighting mad (I realize using the terms perv and Democrat together in a single sentence is redundant.) It seems that every day, almost, one more hypocritical liberal, bites the dust, run outta town on a rail of perversion and lust for man or beast. (Believe me, they aren’t picky.)
Matt Lauer was all over Bill O’Reilly for his ruthless indifference to feminism, hammering him as one might hammer a nail for his insouciance, regarding the plight of women everywhere. (Can I say “Woman” without qualifying the other 56 genders in the liberal rulebook?) Unfortunately, Matt Lauer turned out to be a louse, rapist, serial harasser. Not unlike Charlie Rose who’d walk naked around female employees while fondling his johnson. (In Rose’s case, no capital “J’ is necessary.) This, in turn, reminds us of inveterate masturbator Louie C. K., one more big, liberal star with a predilection for manipulating the trouser-snake in front of men, women, badgers, and the editorial staff of The New York Times—who, by the way, enjoyed every minute of it—according to an unnamed source.
As if that weren’t enough, a number of high ranking Democratic politicians were outed as sexual deviants, rapists, and socialists. I guess they figured that for their constituents, being a socialist was enough to overcome the rapist/deviant part.
Anyway. Here we are. Pandora’s box is open wide, and what’s coming out threatens the very fabric of Western civilization, along with all the other schemes and scams offered by both parties—but, especially, the Democrats, for whom identity politics “Trumps” every other issue. “Division is Our Strength!” that should be their motto. “Diversity” is simply a more pleasant sounding code for their true intent.
Sincerely, Boll Weevil Knievel
Watch as the media pervs fall from high places like Lucifer falling from Heaven. I mean, if you’re dumb enough to challenge God, there’s probably no hope for you. That’s what the left did with Bill O’Reilly. Once the demigod of rightwing talkers was taken down, they figured the rest would follow. Just as Satan and his minions had fallen, when they challenged God. Or, at least that was the plan.
When the leftist group Media Matters went after Sean Hannity, after successfully uprooting O’Reilly, they became flush with the blood of Republicans. “No one can stop us!” they cackled gleefully. Until Sean Hannity lawyer-ed up. Then, the game was on—and being pussies, every last one of them—they eventually backed off. I’m surprised they didn’t complain that they’d been bullied and file a lawsuit.
Now, however, the tables have turned and the pervs in the Democratic party are fighting mad (I realize using the terms perv and Democrat together in a single sentence is redundant.) It seems that every day, almost, one more hypocritical liberal, bites the dust, run outta town on a rail of perversion and lust for man or beast. (Believe me, they aren’t picky.)
Matt Lauer was all over Bill O’Reilly for his ruthless indifference to feminism, hammering him as one might hammer a nail for his insouciance, regarding the plight of women everywhere. (Can I say “Woman” without qualifying the other 56 genders in the liberal rulebook?) Unfortunately, Matt Lauer turned out to be a louse, rapist, serial harasser. Not unlike Charlie Rose who’d walk naked around female employees while fondling his johnson. (In Rose’s case, no capital “J’ is necessary.) This, in turn, reminds us of inveterate masturbator Louie C. K., one more big, liberal star with a predilection for manipulating the trouser-snake in front of men, women, badgers, and the editorial staff of The New York Times—who, by the way, enjoyed every minute of it—according to an unnamed source.
As if that weren’t enough, a number of high ranking Democratic politicians were outed as sexual deviants, rapists, and socialists. I guess they figured that for their constituents, being a socialist was enough to overcome the rapist/deviant part.
Anyway. Here we are. Pandora’s box is open wide, and what’s coming out threatens the very fabric of Western civilization, along with all the other schemes and scams offered by both parties—but, especially, the Democrats, for whom identity politics “Trumps” every other issue. “Division is Our Strength!” that should be their motto. “Diversity” is simply a more pleasant sounding code for their true intent.
Sincerely, Boll Weevil Knievel