The Facts About Illegal Immigration (and a few other things)
The Democrats reasoning regarding Illegal immigrants, euphemistically called, “undocumented workers,” is so circular in nature, that every rational human should be appalled. But, they won’t be. Let me explain: the US already takes in more legal immigrants than any nation on earth, about 1,000,000 a year. Add another 750,000 illegals, and you have massive influx of poor, less educated people, who will drive wages lower for the poorest Americans. That’s how markets actually work, including labor markets. Increase the labor supply, which mass immigration does, and you drive down wages. That is the REAL motive behind America’s desperately broken immigration system. Immigrant labor = “Big Money, for Big Business.” There are plenty of leftwing activists motivated by a profoundly anti-American bent, as well, making strange bedfellows of the Marxist Left and Big Corporations. Likewise, virtually every Democrat that now decries President Trump’s immigration reform, offered exactly the same thing, years ago.
But that was then, this is now.
Meanwhile, the Democrats current solution to aid America’s working poor is a $15 an hour minimum wage. Uncle Sam does not pay this wage, however, businesses do. Meaning Uncle Sam could advocate for a $30 dollar an hour minimum wage that would do nothing but impoverish almost everyone. It’s the same logic used when talking about FREE health insurance. Having insurance does not mean you have healthcare. It means you have insurance. But enough of that. I don’t want to overwhelm my Democrat brethren with arcane logic.
Here’s a simple fact: about 3% of workers earn the minimum wage and, for only a short time. That’s if you’re productive. This is especially true as the demand for labor increases, the result of a strong economy, which means, higher wages and more benefits for all working people. This is not theory, but long-established economic fact. In other words, if you’re 40, with a family of 5, and you’re still making the minimum wage, you’ve got a much bigger problem than the minimum wage.
For people stuck in such circumstances, there are a number of already existing income support programs: “The earned income tax credit for children of the working poor, (which President Trump actually expanded, giving them more money.) That is one tool. Food stamps, housing subsidies, free lunch programs in schools, welfare for children of single mothers, free healthcare, including Medicare for the poor, already exists. All of the above, plus Capitalism, as well as our unique form of government, make the U.S, the 1st nation in history to have an obesity epidemic, even among the poor. Advocating for a $15 an hour minimum wage, then, is dumb, especially if you’re already responsible for suppressing wages among the poor thru mass immigration (as most of our politicians regularly vote to do.) But, if the press and politicians agree to collectively lie about this reality, it becomes our responsibility to look deeper, because it’s average Americans that foot the bill for all of it with higher taxes, higher unemployment, lower wages, and more crime.
One more thing: people will say the Republicans want to cut these income support programs. They’re right. Republicans do want to cut these programs. Waste and fraud in government is staggering. There is nearly 70 billion dollars a year in healthcare fraud alone. Add another 150 billion in simple government overpayments, and, you're at nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars, and that is just the tip of economic iceberg. That is why cutting out the fraud and mismanagement that is endemic of government, is the only way to ensure that there will be enough money for the people who really need it.
Waste and fraud isn’t just a Democrat problem, obviously, there is more than enough fraud to go around. Big Government, however, facilitates this problem, which is the nature of all massive bureaucracies, especially in the government, where oversight is secretive, unlike businesses, which either turn a profit or fold like a cheap suit. Business is self-correcting, by its nature. Government is not. Add in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—socialist programs all—and these 3 things alone, consume more than 2/3 of our total debt load. Simply put, our economy is a ticking time bomb. And it continues to be, no matter who’s in charge. Precisely, because of the unaccountable nature of government. If we expand these programs, especially Medicare for all, to include illegal immigrants, we will incentivize the whole 3rd world to breach our borders. That will be the end of America.
That’s the reality we face.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
But that was then, this is now.
Meanwhile, the Democrats current solution to aid America’s working poor is a $15 an hour minimum wage. Uncle Sam does not pay this wage, however, businesses do. Meaning Uncle Sam could advocate for a $30 dollar an hour minimum wage that would do nothing but impoverish almost everyone. It’s the same logic used when talking about FREE health insurance. Having insurance does not mean you have healthcare. It means you have insurance. But enough of that. I don’t want to overwhelm my Democrat brethren with arcane logic.
Here’s a simple fact: about 3% of workers earn the minimum wage and, for only a short time. That’s if you’re productive. This is especially true as the demand for labor increases, the result of a strong economy, which means, higher wages and more benefits for all working people. This is not theory, but long-established economic fact. In other words, if you’re 40, with a family of 5, and you’re still making the minimum wage, you’ve got a much bigger problem than the minimum wage.
For people stuck in such circumstances, there are a number of already existing income support programs: “The earned income tax credit for children of the working poor, (which President Trump actually expanded, giving them more money.) That is one tool. Food stamps, housing subsidies, free lunch programs in schools, welfare for children of single mothers, free healthcare, including Medicare for the poor, already exists. All of the above, plus Capitalism, as well as our unique form of government, make the U.S, the 1st nation in history to have an obesity epidemic, even among the poor. Advocating for a $15 an hour minimum wage, then, is dumb, especially if you’re already responsible for suppressing wages among the poor thru mass immigration (as most of our politicians regularly vote to do.) But, if the press and politicians agree to collectively lie about this reality, it becomes our responsibility to look deeper, because it’s average Americans that foot the bill for all of it with higher taxes, higher unemployment, lower wages, and more crime.
One more thing: people will say the Republicans want to cut these income support programs. They’re right. Republicans do want to cut these programs. Waste and fraud in government is staggering. There is nearly 70 billion dollars a year in healthcare fraud alone. Add another 150 billion in simple government overpayments, and, you're at nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars, and that is just the tip of economic iceberg. That is why cutting out the fraud and mismanagement that is endemic of government, is the only way to ensure that there will be enough money for the people who really need it.
Waste and fraud isn’t just a Democrat problem, obviously, there is more than enough fraud to go around. Big Government, however, facilitates this problem, which is the nature of all massive bureaucracies, especially in the government, where oversight is secretive, unlike businesses, which either turn a profit or fold like a cheap suit. Business is self-correcting, by its nature. Government is not. Add in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—socialist programs all—and these 3 things alone, consume more than 2/3 of our total debt load. Simply put, our economy is a ticking time bomb. And it continues to be, no matter who’s in charge. Precisely, because of the unaccountable nature of government. If we expand these programs, especially Medicare for all, to include illegal immigrants, we will incentivize the whole 3rd world to breach our borders. That will be the end of America.
That’s the reality we face.
Nothing more. Nothing less.