The Deep Guilt of the Religious Left
"White guilt is an indicator of virtue for the leftist. In most instances, it's manufactured to create the illusion of virtue and reflects the secret knowledge held by virtuous people. It is frequently a substitute for religion. I recognize all the symptoms, having suffered from it myself. Thankfully, that is no longer the case."
Never have so many atheists and agnostics been so deeply religious. Their religion is not rooted in a belief in god, unless that god is the god of the all-powerful state. Like all religions, it is faith-based. And, like all religions, its adherents tend to seek out only that information that reinforces their faith. It is this secret knowledge that draws them in. That, and the belief that they are virtuous as the result of those beliefs.
Their faith is so deeply rooted that nothing short of a nuclear explosion could separate them from the object of their adoration. That being the worship of their own virtue, as expressed in their preferred ideology.
Stalin and Hitler shared their faith, as did Margaret Sanger, the patron saint of all leftwing bigots. Abortion is a central part of their creed and works well as a substitute for Sanger’s more open hatred of Black and Brown people. You can’t just advocate for sterilization anymore, as Sanger did, so abortion is the next best thing.
Today, Black babies are aborted in about the same numbers as those born, while mass immigration and open borders are increasingly being advocated. This is happening even as abortion is offered as a method of family planning and population control. I guess nearly 40% unemployment rate for young Black men and 14% for young White men isn’t high enough, so, by all means, keep them coming. If you say otherwise, you are a bigot, a hater. In fact, if you doubt any part of their creed you are an apostate and someone who should be driven from society.
How is it then, that Sanger’s creed of hatred for non-Whites has been co-opted by those who see White people as devils and, everyone else, as their victims? Not surprisingly, most of these advocates are White.
By shifting the focus to Whites, and in particular, Western, European culture, the cycle is complete; Black, Brown, Gay, Straight, Male and Female are subdivided, yet again, into increasingly narrow categories and tribal affiliations, including the individual's perceived gender, which ultimately encompasses everyone. And, with that, the left's endgame of totalitarian control is complete. But, with one big difference. The psychological framework being used enables the leftist to see themselves as virtuous—and the inevitable casualties, as the broken eggs required to make the great multicultural omelet. That is certainly how Marx and his progeny have understood it. Should anyone be surprised that Capitalism is the most despised of the far left’s enemies? I don’t think so.
The way they deflect such claims is simple; they take the absolute dumbest statements made by anyone from the opposition and hold them high as the sole alternative, while studiously ignoring any genuinely meaningful argument for fear it will pollute their secular religion.
In the end, it is always easier to battle straw men. Simply light a match and watch them burn.
Mark Magula