Terror In Nice: A Variation on a Theme
Radical Muslims kill more than 80 people in France. In response, a fair portion of the media blames the attack on a man driving a van, carefully leaving out the identity of the killer or killers and their obvious motive.
Eventually, they give in and call it an act of terror.
Motivated by what?
“Who knows?” They say. “Could be anything. Maybe it was a disgruntled van owner or some other rightwing nut-job.”
Newt Gingrich calls the president out for his unwillingness to identify the killers as anything other than Radical Islamic terrorists. The president calls Newt a repugnant jack-a-nape in return and apologizes profusely to Muslims the world over. This he does in spite of the fact that ISIS took credit for the attack while thanking Allah for the significant death toll.
Pretty much everyone acknowledges that this latest attack was horrific. And then, they immediately pick up where they left off playing Pokémon Go (whatever the hell that is) and watching their favorite reality shows and taking endless selfies.
Within less than 48 hours, the public at large has completely forgotten about this latest attack. That only applies to the people who were sort of paying attention, to begin with. The rest simply shrug and say “Huh?”
Progressives, seeing their opportunity, rail against racism and bigotry because someone said ISIS should be wiped off the face of the earth.
“Clearly, they only said this because ISIS is Muslim…..wait a minute, I mean, Islamic….uh…is not, let me repeat, NOT, Islamic! Because Islam is a religion of peace.”
“You hate-filled, bigoted Christians need to learn this!” Scream a chorus of liberals as they picket Israel for not allowing millions of Palestinians to overrun their culture and destroy the only Jewish homeland on earth.
“Because that’s only fair.” They say.
The president and attorney general Loretta Lynch suggest that in order to deal with the anti-Islamic hatred, America needs to give special protections to Muslims living in our country, just in case Americans should eventually get fed up and begin behaving badly.
The Huff Po, seeing an opportunity, writes a scathing article about the endless bigotry suffered by Muslims in the U.S., based almost solely on anecdotal evidence offered by those same Muslims.
This leads me to ask; why do liberals bend over backward and sideways, contorting themselves into myriad pretzel-like shapes in order to defend what should be indefensible?
Because everyone is a victim of society. Especially if you’re a minority. Which, once you start subdividing people based on identity politics and feelings, there’s no limit to the number of people who’re victims. And, no limit to the number of government programs that can be created, each of which requires special governmental powers and more taxes. Lot’s more taxes.
Within a full 48 hours, after this latest Radical Islamic act of terror, the world is convinced that it was rightwing Christians who did the deed.
Obama and Loretta nod in agreement, offering a new bill which will punish anyone with significant jail time for using the words Muslim or Islam in a negative way.
With this, progressives rejoice that justice has been served and the real culprits punished, as they scramble down the dark hole with Alice and the white rabbit, in search of new, potential victims of American hate.
“Who else is in need of our protection?” They ask, of no one in particular.
“After all, one need not be a real victim. You just have to feel like a victim—and our progressive religious faith will do the rest.”
To celebrate, Americans return to taking selfies and pictures of their lunch, playing Pokémon Go (whatever the hell that is) and watching reality TV.
“Life is good.” They say.
“It certainly is.”
“Did you hear about some bad thing happening somewhere?”
“Huh?” Was the reply.
Mark Magula
Eventually, they give in and call it an act of terror.
Motivated by what?
“Who knows?” They say. “Could be anything. Maybe it was a disgruntled van owner or some other rightwing nut-job.”
Newt Gingrich calls the president out for his unwillingness to identify the killers as anything other than Radical Islamic terrorists. The president calls Newt a repugnant jack-a-nape in return and apologizes profusely to Muslims the world over. This he does in spite of the fact that ISIS took credit for the attack while thanking Allah for the significant death toll.
Pretty much everyone acknowledges that this latest attack was horrific. And then, they immediately pick up where they left off playing Pokémon Go (whatever the hell that is) and watching their favorite reality shows and taking endless selfies.
Within less than 48 hours, the public at large has completely forgotten about this latest attack. That only applies to the people who were sort of paying attention, to begin with. The rest simply shrug and say “Huh?”
Progressives, seeing their opportunity, rail against racism and bigotry because someone said ISIS should be wiped off the face of the earth.
“Clearly, they only said this because ISIS is Muslim…..wait a minute, I mean, Islamic….uh…is not, let me repeat, NOT, Islamic! Because Islam is a religion of peace.”
“You hate-filled, bigoted Christians need to learn this!” Scream a chorus of liberals as they picket Israel for not allowing millions of Palestinians to overrun their culture and destroy the only Jewish homeland on earth.
“Because that’s only fair.” They say.
The president and attorney general Loretta Lynch suggest that in order to deal with the anti-Islamic hatred, America needs to give special protections to Muslims living in our country, just in case Americans should eventually get fed up and begin behaving badly.
The Huff Po, seeing an opportunity, writes a scathing article about the endless bigotry suffered by Muslims in the U.S., based almost solely on anecdotal evidence offered by those same Muslims.
This leads me to ask; why do liberals bend over backward and sideways, contorting themselves into myriad pretzel-like shapes in order to defend what should be indefensible?
Because everyone is a victim of society. Especially if you’re a minority. Which, once you start subdividing people based on identity politics and feelings, there’s no limit to the number of people who’re victims. And, no limit to the number of government programs that can be created, each of which requires special governmental powers and more taxes. Lot’s more taxes.
Within a full 48 hours, after this latest Radical Islamic act of terror, the world is convinced that it was rightwing Christians who did the deed.
Obama and Loretta nod in agreement, offering a new bill which will punish anyone with significant jail time for using the words Muslim or Islam in a negative way.
With this, progressives rejoice that justice has been served and the real culprits punished, as they scramble down the dark hole with Alice and the white rabbit, in search of new, potential victims of American hate.
“Who else is in need of our protection?” They ask, of no one in particular.
“After all, one need not be a real victim. You just have to feel like a victim—and our progressive religious faith will do the rest.”
To celebrate, Americans return to taking selfies and pictures of their lunch, playing Pokémon Go (whatever the hell that is) and watching reality TV.
“Life is good.” They say.
“It certainly is.”
“Did you hear about some bad thing happening somewhere?”
“Huh?” Was the reply.
Mark Magula