Take a Ride on a
Hell Bound Train
"If you get down and quarrel everyday, you're saying prayers to the devil, I say." Bob Marley
All the political wonks out there just need to chill. But they won't. Because a wonk is always ready to take up the cause of righteousness and justice, but only as long as it fit's conveniently into their world-view. Otherwise, all the rest of you folks out there in need, well, you can pretty much blow it out your ass. I mean, your on your own in this big bad world. And, the world, as it turns out, is a pretty gray place. Which is why trying to decipher all the fecal debris that passes for political wisdom requires a degree of obsessive compulsive disorder that most people simply don't have—leaving the world to be controlled by people suffering with a mental ailment disguised as a meaningful trait.
I'm petty sure I'm right about this. If for no other reason than I suffer from it myself. So, I recognize it when I see it in others. Probably like one child molester recognizing another, picking up on those traits boiling, red hot, just beneath the surface. I don't mean to suggest that all political types are child molesters. No, they're far worse than that, at least their leaders are! Find a man or woman who wants to lead the world, and I'll show you one dangerous sum-bitch!
Look at Hillary Clinton. She was willing to lie, bald faced to the world regarding a terrorist attack on an American Embassy. One that was so obviously a carefully planned act of terror, that only a willfully blind person could misinterpret it. This she did, consciously, in order to save her chances at the presidency a few years down the road. If an American ambassador had to die, his lifeless body drug through the streets and a couple of soldiers killed with him, what the hey! That's the price of politics. Hillary will make up for it by becoming the first woman president. By doing this, she will enable all woman to rejoice in her victory, with her. It will be their victory too. They won't really get anything, of course, but the symbolism will be powerful. And, in a world of willfully blind people, symbolism is about as close as your gonna get to reality, which isn't very close at all.
What's really surprising to me is just how many people willfully suspend disbelief . They do this like a five year old at a Godzilla movie, apparently in an effort to preserve their delusions. And let me tell ya, it's easier than ever to live in a state of full-bore denial, just ignore whatever you don't like, change the channel, read The Huffington Post, whatever. There are plenty of choices, no need to worry!
Conservatives are no different. There are so many raving lunatics out there that it makes Paddy Chayefsky’s film “Network” look like biblical prophesy, only with better jokes.
Having said that, let me add my two cents!
Very few people seem to care about political or economic fundamentals. For them, it's all about corporations, just that word alone elicits a Pavlovian response of convulsive hatred; Wall-mart, AT&T, Big Oil, Time-Warner, you name it, they all induce a powerful gag reflex, even if all those plebeians furiously gagging don't really know why. For conservatives, Gay marriage, welfare, hippie punks with peace-nick agendas, feminists and leftist academics serve the same function. These are trigger words that turn average folk into Manchurian Candidates.
So, let me ask myself rhetorically “Hey, just what are the fundamentals?”
They're simple, really simple. Here, try this on for size; Parents tend to love their children more than strangers—including the government—which are really, just a bunch of strangers. Sure, you know a few of them—by name anyway—but you don't really know them.
Here, try another; having a mom and dad is generally better than having a dad and a dad. Or, a mom and a mom.
“Holy crap, man, you're going off the deep end! What evidence do you have for such a radical statement?”
Pretty much all of human history, for starters, including most of the history of the higher mammals, most of the lower one's, too, not excluding fish, invertebrates, insects and plants.
“Damn! That's subversive!”
I know! I know! Try this one on for size; the more minds you have working to solve a problem, the more likely you'll be to actually solve the problem. Here's another dandy; the more people you have looking to serve your interests, the better the service and the lower the price.
“OK! No more of this right-wing crap! I'm pretty sure this constitutes a hate crime. Free speech is of Satan! I'm going to call the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, Obama!" Free Palestine! The Jews are the new Nazi's! Waugh! Waugh! Waugh!”
This, my friends, is how the new America works. So, get with the program! Get on board, take a ride on a Hell-bound train! No refunds, please!
Mark Magula
I'm petty sure I'm right about this. If for no other reason than I suffer from it myself. So, I recognize it when I see it in others. Probably like one child molester recognizing another, picking up on those traits boiling, red hot, just beneath the surface. I don't mean to suggest that all political types are child molesters. No, they're far worse than that, at least their leaders are! Find a man or woman who wants to lead the world, and I'll show you one dangerous sum-bitch!
Look at Hillary Clinton. She was willing to lie, bald faced to the world regarding a terrorist attack on an American Embassy. One that was so obviously a carefully planned act of terror, that only a willfully blind person could misinterpret it. This she did, consciously, in order to save her chances at the presidency a few years down the road. If an American ambassador had to die, his lifeless body drug through the streets and a couple of soldiers killed with him, what the hey! That's the price of politics. Hillary will make up for it by becoming the first woman president. By doing this, she will enable all woman to rejoice in her victory, with her. It will be their victory too. They won't really get anything, of course, but the symbolism will be powerful. And, in a world of willfully blind people, symbolism is about as close as your gonna get to reality, which isn't very close at all.
What's really surprising to me is just how many people willfully suspend disbelief . They do this like a five year old at a Godzilla movie, apparently in an effort to preserve their delusions. And let me tell ya, it's easier than ever to live in a state of full-bore denial, just ignore whatever you don't like, change the channel, read The Huffington Post, whatever. There are plenty of choices, no need to worry!
Conservatives are no different. There are so many raving lunatics out there that it makes Paddy Chayefsky’s film “Network” look like biblical prophesy, only with better jokes.
Having said that, let me add my two cents!
Very few people seem to care about political or economic fundamentals. For them, it's all about corporations, just that word alone elicits a Pavlovian response of convulsive hatred; Wall-mart, AT&T, Big Oil, Time-Warner, you name it, they all induce a powerful gag reflex, even if all those plebeians furiously gagging don't really know why. For conservatives, Gay marriage, welfare, hippie punks with peace-nick agendas, feminists and leftist academics serve the same function. These are trigger words that turn average folk into Manchurian Candidates.
So, let me ask myself rhetorically “Hey, just what are the fundamentals?”
They're simple, really simple. Here, try this on for size; Parents tend to love their children more than strangers—including the government—which are really, just a bunch of strangers. Sure, you know a few of them—by name anyway—but you don't really know them.
Here, try another; having a mom and dad is generally better than having a dad and a dad. Or, a mom and a mom.
“Holy crap, man, you're going off the deep end! What evidence do you have for such a radical statement?”
Pretty much all of human history, for starters, including most of the history of the higher mammals, most of the lower one's, too, not excluding fish, invertebrates, insects and plants.
“Damn! That's subversive!”
I know! I know! Try this one on for size; the more minds you have working to solve a problem, the more likely you'll be to actually solve the problem. Here's another dandy; the more people you have looking to serve your interests, the better the service and the lower the price.
“OK! No more of this right-wing crap! I'm pretty sure this constitutes a hate crime. Free speech is of Satan! I'm going to call the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, Obama!" Free Palestine! The Jews are the new Nazi's! Waugh! Waugh! Waugh!”
This, my friends, is how the new America works. So, get with the program! Get on board, take a ride on a Hell-bound train! No refunds, please!
Mark Magula
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