Shit! "Make Me Wanna Holler!"
Shit! "Make Me Wanna Holler!"
Every freaking day, almost, a radical Muslims attempts to kill as many innocent civilians as possible, including infants and children. And that would be true even if we looked solely at the Western world, where Muslims are a small minority, in terms of population. If we look to the broader world, the level of brutality is staggering, from individuals engaging in honor killings and clitoral mutilation, to mass rape and pedophilia. You’d never know it by listening to the mainstream news, who report selectively about such things. Donald Trump misspelling a word becomes an international symbol of America’s decline, while the real decline is ignored.
The world weeps over the Paris Climate Accord, which was nothing more than a non-binding resolution that nobody had to actually follow, except America and the West, because that’s where the money is. America would have to hamstring it’s own economy with regulations, while the biggest potential polluters, China, India and Russia, would be given a pass. If we are in imminent danger, as so many suggest, the Paris Accords will do nothing, absolutely zero, to avert the disaster. Meaning; there is no imminent disaster awaiting us, as the result of man’s great hubris, in the face of mother earth. It’s a con job. A lie. Subterfuge of a high order. Total bullshit.
But people say, “What could it hurt? All we’ll do is get a cleaner environment.”
To this I say, “Just how dumb are some of you son-of-a-bitches?”
The United States economy has been in trouble for a decade now, longer if you look deeper into this economic house of cards. During Obama’s final days, the economy barely grew at 1%, and often, not even that. This was in spite of massive infusions of manufactured money by the Federal reserve. Not wealth creation, through job creation, but revving up the printing presses, in order to keep it all going. When you factor in the lowest interest rates in American history, the near flat-lining of economic growth should terrify people. But no, it’s Russia, a story that is as manufactured as the money we spend. In both cases, it’s a sleight of hand designed to deflect from reality. The degree to which the powers that be (Those mysterious powers that be) are after Trump, indicates the depth of the fear and uncertainty that Trump represents. Now, factor in new climate regulations that drive up the cost of everything, and watch as jobs, jobs, and more jobs, flee American soil, to haven’s more favorable for investment. Meaning; everywhere but here. To understand this would require at least a modicum of knowledge about how an economy works. Ignorance, in such cases, is a very handy ally for the numerous thieves in government, however.
Real unemployment (not the official numbers) but real unemployment, is a good deal higher than is generally acknowledged. The government uses different measure for defining unemployment. The most common one, only considers a worker unemployed, if they receive unemployment benefits. Once their benefits run out, they are no longer considered unemployed, even if they are as unemployed as the guy on the street corner, who’s hallucinating that he’s Aquaman.
The real unemployment numbers for young, Black men, for instance, are about 30%. For young Hispanics and Whites, it’s not as bad, but it’s close. So, anything that creates more unemployment, such as useless, largely symbolic treaties, which are non-binding for thee, but not for me, should really, really, piss off Americans. But, then, Donald Trump has a funny handshake. My god, that is pathetic. Just think about it for a minute. Everything is being redefined. There are no longer two genders, there are dozens. Free speech must be restricted, so people’s feelings aren’t hurt. Rather than having an economy that works, we get politicians talking about a universal income—meaning, global welfare, for the newly, perpetually unemployed—due in no small part, to a global economy that’s creating surplus human beings, while creating wildly, extravagant profits for an emerging aristocracy. Plus, let’s not forget, terror attacks are the new normal. Why? Because you’re racist, so stop talking, so the profits keep flowing!
Hillary Clinton was a pimp for all of it, as were the democrats and most republicans, too. Meanwhile, libertarians sit around and pontificate about economic theory.
Shit! Make me wanna holler!
John “The Regulator”
Every freaking day, almost, a radical Muslims attempts to kill as many innocent civilians as possible, including infants and children. And that would be true even if we looked solely at the Western world, where Muslims are a small minority, in terms of population. If we look to the broader world, the level of brutality is staggering, from individuals engaging in honor killings and clitoral mutilation, to mass rape and pedophilia. You’d never know it by listening to the mainstream news, who report selectively about such things. Donald Trump misspelling a word becomes an international symbol of America’s decline, while the real decline is ignored.
The world weeps over the Paris Climate Accord, which was nothing more than a non-binding resolution that nobody had to actually follow, except America and the West, because that’s where the money is. America would have to hamstring it’s own economy with regulations, while the biggest potential polluters, China, India and Russia, would be given a pass. If we are in imminent danger, as so many suggest, the Paris Accords will do nothing, absolutely zero, to avert the disaster. Meaning; there is no imminent disaster awaiting us, as the result of man’s great hubris, in the face of mother earth. It’s a con job. A lie. Subterfuge of a high order. Total bullshit.
But people say, “What could it hurt? All we’ll do is get a cleaner environment.”
To this I say, “Just how dumb are some of you son-of-a-bitches?”
The United States economy has been in trouble for a decade now, longer if you look deeper into this economic house of cards. During Obama’s final days, the economy barely grew at 1%, and often, not even that. This was in spite of massive infusions of manufactured money by the Federal reserve. Not wealth creation, through job creation, but revving up the printing presses, in order to keep it all going. When you factor in the lowest interest rates in American history, the near flat-lining of economic growth should terrify people. But no, it’s Russia, a story that is as manufactured as the money we spend. In both cases, it’s a sleight of hand designed to deflect from reality. The degree to which the powers that be (Those mysterious powers that be) are after Trump, indicates the depth of the fear and uncertainty that Trump represents. Now, factor in new climate regulations that drive up the cost of everything, and watch as jobs, jobs, and more jobs, flee American soil, to haven’s more favorable for investment. Meaning; everywhere but here. To understand this would require at least a modicum of knowledge about how an economy works. Ignorance, in such cases, is a very handy ally for the numerous thieves in government, however.
Real unemployment (not the official numbers) but real unemployment, is a good deal higher than is generally acknowledged. The government uses different measure for defining unemployment. The most common one, only considers a worker unemployed, if they receive unemployment benefits. Once their benefits run out, they are no longer considered unemployed, even if they are as unemployed as the guy on the street corner, who’s hallucinating that he’s Aquaman.
The real unemployment numbers for young, Black men, for instance, are about 30%. For young Hispanics and Whites, it’s not as bad, but it’s close. So, anything that creates more unemployment, such as useless, largely symbolic treaties, which are non-binding for thee, but not for me, should really, really, piss off Americans. But, then, Donald Trump has a funny handshake. My god, that is pathetic. Just think about it for a minute. Everything is being redefined. There are no longer two genders, there are dozens. Free speech must be restricted, so people’s feelings aren’t hurt. Rather than having an economy that works, we get politicians talking about a universal income—meaning, global welfare, for the newly, perpetually unemployed—due in no small part, to a global economy that’s creating surplus human beings, while creating wildly, extravagant profits for an emerging aristocracy. Plus, let’s not forget, terror attacks are the new normal. Why? Because you’re racist, so stop talking, so the profits keep flowing!
Hillary Clinton was a pimp for all of it, as were the democrats and most republicans, too. Meanwhile, libertarians sit around and pontificate about economic theory.
Shit! Make me wanna holler!
John “The Regulator”