Rudy & Nat
“This short article was written n response to a friend, who was responding to my response to the media’s delusional attack on “The Covington Kids,” as they shall henceforth be known. In response to my response, he responded that The Left has their tribe, and The Right has theirs, with Rudy Giuliani as a stand-in for The Right, and minorities of every stripe as the stand in for The Left. This was true, of course, Tribalism is human nature, although, the notion of tribe can be expansive in some instances, and reductive in others, especially, where racial issues are involved.”
"Rudy & Nat"
My friend, your inflation of the conflation of Rudy and Nat, is akin to blasphemy. Rudy defends President Trump from the dumbest, yet most heinous conspiracy theory since Jesus stood before Pontius Pie-plate. Meanwhile, Nat Phillips, alias “Sitting Bullshit,” harasses some kids who commit the sin of smiling, while Nat bangs the drum slowly and chants about Native people not building walls. “We lived in peace,” said Nat. Unlike The White Man, who took our land. Apparently, Nat completely forgot about how the various tribes slaughtered one another as viciously as a rabid badger with an atrocious coke habit. Occasionally, they even engaged in cannibalism. “However, since it was indigenous cannibalism, it must be good.” said the media.
In response to Mr. Phillips percussive soliloquy to the boys, the press agreed, as did a fair portion of Americans that these boys should be killed for smiling at a “Native Elder,” the use of the term “Native Elder” signifying just how full-of-shit they were. At which point “The People” swiftly returned to their favorite TV program,“Your Mama Wants to Be A Star!” and other sundry programs, such as “I’m a 12-yr-old Amish Girl Who Was Impregnated by a Moose!” (They call this reality TV?)
Anyway, the kid smiled. As far as I can tell, as soon as his lips turned upward, the press and celebrities around the world began calling for his death, as well as the death of everyone affiliated with this Catholic school.
I didn’t even bring up The Black Israelite cult that started it all. They make Westboro Baptist Church seem seriously enlightened. Nor did I mention the support that “Sitting Bullshit” gave to these cretins, suggesting that the youthful White devils needed to hear more of their historically illiterate, racist horseshit.
Here’s the real issue; the fact that the media defended, what was clearly indefensible, implying, as CNN did—that maybe wearing a MAGA was akin to wearing a Klan outfit—thus, setting off the whole shebang, was beyond sickening.
Rudy defending Trump is one thing.
Identity politics as low as a slithering pile of feces is another.
The two are not the same.
Not even close.
Mark Magula
My friend, your inflation of the conflation of Rudy and Nat, is akin to blasphemy. Rudy defends President Trump from the dumbest, yet most heinous conspiracy theory since Jesus stood before Pontius Pie-plate. Meanwhile, Nat Phillips, alias “Sitting Bullshit,” harasses some kids who commit the sin of smiling, while Nat bangs the drum slowly and chants about Native people not building walls. “We lived in peace,” said Nat. Unlike The White Man, who took our land. Apparently, Nat completely forgot about how the various tribes slaughtered one another as viciously as a rabid badger with an atrocious coke habit. Occasionally, they even engaged in cannibalism. “However, since it was indigenous cannibalism, it must be good.” said the media.
In response to Mr. Phillips percussive soliloquy to the boys, the press agreed, as did a fair portion of Americans that these boys should be killed for smiling at a “Native Elder,” the use of the term “Native Elder” signifying just how full-of-shit they were. At which point “The People” swiftly returned to their favorite TV program,“Your Mama Wants to Be A Star!” and other sundry programs, such as “I’m a 12-yr-old Amish Girl Who Was Impregnated by a Moose!” (They call this reality TV?)
Anyway, the kid smiled. As far as I can tell, as soon as his lips turned upward, the press and celebrities around the world began calling for his death, as well as the death of everyone affiliated with this Catholic school.
I didn’t even bring up The Black Israelite cult that started it all. They make Westboro Baptist Church seem seriously enlightened. Nor did I mention the support that “Sitting Bullshit” gave to these cretins, suggesting that the youthful White devils needed to hear more of their historically illiterate, racist horseshit.
Here’s the real issue; the fact that the media defended, what was clearly indefensible, implying, as CNN did—that maybe wearing a MAGA was akin to wearing a Klan outfit—thus, setting off the whole shebang, was beyond sickening.
Rudy defending Trump is one thing.
Identity politics as low as a slithering pile of feces is another.
The two are not the same.
Not even close.
Mark Magula