On This Day Before Election Day These 5 things should be remembered as you vote
“On This Day Before Election Day, These 5 Things Should Be Remembered As You Vote”
1. “If You’re White, you’re Guilty.” Of what? Of all the wrongs ever done in the world. If you think I’m kidding, this is exactly what’s being taught on college campuses and, increasingly, in our public schools. It took some fifty years for this poison to make its way into the mainstream, but that day finally arrived with the presidency of Barack Obama, giving it legitimacy. Obama famously said, “America’s the greatest nation on earth...but so is every other nation, according to the dummies and rubes living in those countries!” Admittedly, this is a paraphrase. It does get to the gist of Obama’s worldview, however, that America is not great. It never has been. Get over it! Now let's be like Europe and reinstate the monarchy, we’ll just call it something else, run by politicians, Czars, and global corporations.
2. “Higher Taxes Are Good.” This one would be laughed at by rational people living in the not-so-distant past. “You want us to believe what? The king taking more of your money is a good thing?”
I can only shake my head in wonder at the sheer dumbness of it all. But that is a key part of the Democrats platform. “Dumb is Good!”
3. “There Are At Least 10 Genders.” No...make that 20. No...make that 50. Uh...let’s just keep an open mind and see who comes up with what, as people find new gender identities by the dozens. For as long as humans have existed, gender was tied to biological sex. But no longer. Now, in this age of enlightenment, gender is whatever you feel. And, if you don’t like it….well, the government will make a law, punishing you if you use the wrong gender pronoun when addressing a person. Think that’s a joke? This poison is already the law in Canada and is making its way the through the bloodstream of the Western world. Like all leftwing ideology, it’s about power, cloaked in the language of compassion. And, believe me, I’m not saying this because I’m anti-Gay or anti-Trans. It’s more like I’m pro-reason and believe that giving politicians the power to further isolate human beings into different groups, with special rights, which will be determined by the government, is a really, really terrible idea. Tolerance is a good thing. Using the power of government to force tolerance isn’t.
4. Open Borders. Ask any open borders advocate how many people migrate to the U.S. legally per year? (One million) Then ask them how many people come illegally? (750,000) The numbers are substantial, more than any other country on earth. There are currently, more foreign-born people living in the U.S. than at any time in our history. More than the total population of Canada, which has a larger landmass than the U.S… Where is the concern about overcrowding, overpopulation, and the environment? Where-the-hell are those concerns? Like a shell game, they're useful tools, based around political expediency. How about falling incomes? Increase the number of people competing for work, and real wages decline, while unemployment rises. Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Hillary, and Bill Clinton, and Diane Feinstein all, understood this, and they openly said so over the years. Without mass immigration, though, the Democratic Party can’t survive. With even more mass immigration they can thrive, which is why their opinions changed.
5. Healthcare. Healthcare costs continue to spiral out of control. And no! Obama Care didn’t do a damned thing to stop this. In fact, like all liberal ideas, you sell people on the notion of “Free Things,” and then beat-the-hell outta them with unseen costs and taxes. As usual, ignorance is the liberal’s best friend. But America’s worst enemy. In reality, the U.S. has had socialized health care for more than 50 years. Which is precisely why costs have skyrocketed. If there was one true political slogan, in all of the endless lies and half-truths, that would be it. “Dumb is Good!” “Your Ignorance is The Politicians Best Friend.”
Regardless of party, I might add.
That about says it all.
Mark Magula
1. “If You’re White, you’re Guilty.” Of what? Of all the wrongs ever done in the world. If you think I’m kidding, this is exactly what’s being taught on college campuses and, increasingly, in our public schools. It took some fifty years for this poison to make its way into the mainstream, but that day finally arrived with the presidency of Barack Obama, giving it legitimacy. Obama famously said, “America’s the greatest nation on earth...but so is every other nation, according to the dummies and rubes living in those countries!” Admittedly, this is a paraphrase. It does get to the gist of Obama’s worldview, however, that America is not great. It never has been. Get over it! Now let's be like Europe and reinstate the monarchy, we’ll just call it something else, run by politicians, Czars, and global corporations.
2. “Higher Taxes Are Good.” This one would be laughed at by rational people living in the not-so-distant past. “You want us to believe what? The king taking more of your money is a good thing?”
I can only shake my head in wonder at the sheer dumbness of it all. But that is a key part of the Democrats platform. “Dumb is Good!”
3. “There Are At Least 10 Genders.” No...make that 20. No...make that 50. Uh...let’s just keep an open mind and see who comes up with what, as people find new gender identities by the dozens. For as long as humans have existed, gender was tied to biological sex. But no longer. Now, in this age of enlightenment, gender is whatever you feel. And, if you don’t like it….well, the government will make a law, punishing you if you use the wrong gender pronoun when addressing a person. Think that’s a joke? This poison is already the law in Canada and is making its way the through the bloodstream of the Western world. Like all leftwing ideology, it’s about power, cloaked in the language of compassion. And, believe me, I’m not saying this because I’m anti-Gay or anti-Trans. It’s more like I’m pro-reason and believe that giving politicians the power to further isolate human beings into different groups, with special rights, which will be determined by the government, is a really, really terrible idea. Tolerance is a good thing. Using the power of government to force tolerance isn’t.
4. Open Borders. Ask any open borders advocate how many people migrate to the U.S. legally per year? (One million) Then ask them how many people come illegally? (750,000) The numbers are substantial, more than any other country on earth. There are currently, more foreign-born people living in the U.S. than at any time in our history. More than the total population of Canada, which has a larger landmass than the U.S… Where is the concern about overcrowding, overpopulation, and the environment? Where-the-hell are those concerns? Like a shell game, they're useful tools, based around political expediency. How about falling incomes? Increase the number of people competing for work, and real wages decline, while unemployment rises. Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Hillary, and Bill Clinton, and Diane Feinstein all, understood this, and they openly said so over the years. Without mass immigration, though, the Democratic Party can’t survive. With even more mass immigration they can thrive, which is why their opinions changed.
5. Healthcare. Healthcare costs continue to spiral out of control. And no! Obama Care didn’t do a damned thing to stop this. In fact, like all liberal ideas, you sell people on the notion of “Free Things,” and then beat-the-hell outta them with unseen costs and taxes. As usual, ignorance is the liberal’s best friend. But America’s worst enemy. In reality, the U.S. has had socialized health care for more than 50 years. Which is precisely why costs have skyrocketed. If there was one true political slogan, in all of the endless lies and half-truths, that would be it. “Dumb is Good!” “Your Ignorance is The Politicians Best Friend.”
Regardless of party, I might add.
That about says it all.
Mark Magula