"Let's Do Lunch" with Planned Parenthood
For those who might be unaware, an executive and abortion doctor for Planned Parenthood was secretly filmed talking about selling dead baby parts for profit. This is not just tissue. That is how the video is being defended by the progressives who believe that fetus cells hold great promise for future generations. Meaning, that whatever is done when dismembering the baby, is somehow justifiable.
In the video, the Planned Parenthood exec says she'd just done a "17 weeker" meaning she'd aborted a 17 week old child in its mother's womb. I defy anyone to watch a video of a 17 week old "Fetus" and tell me that it's merely a blob of cells as it moves it's hands and tiny fingers.
I doubt that progressives who support abortion as one of the great cornerstones of human freedom will take me up on the offer, though.
These obviously aren't non-human, fetus parts, which would have no intrinsic value, because they wouldn't be human. She is referring to the methods that she and other abortionists use to kill the baby in the womb, doing so in such a way as to leave the most valuable organs intact. Why? Because they're profitable. And yes, she also believes they have scientific value.
Watching the video is gut-wrenching. Not because of any graphic content, but solely because her casual indifference to the subject matter, is mind-blowing. She is talking about a living, breathing baby with fingers and toes, that can feel pain and has tissue and vital organs that she and others regard as valuable. In other words, if this were not a human baby, with developed appendages and organs, they would not, I repeat, not have the same value. The fact that this is a human being, a completely helpless infant, no less, is what makes it so hard to watch.
The liberal media has skewered the film as deceptive because of the methods used to obtain it. The actual subject matter, well, that's regarded as unimportant, as mere propaganda for the religious right. In response, I've read numerous liberal commentators and one in particular argue that this is primarily because of the the "icky" nature of abortion. You got that, the problem with abortion is it's icky, not cruel, not utterly indifferent to human life, but icky.
This is where the usual justifications come into play, "Republicans apparently don't care about the baby after it's born. So, why be concerned when it's defenseless in the womb." These are worse than diversionary tactics, they represent a moral failure so profound that it might give Josef Mengele pause.
All I can say is, may God judge such cruelty in kind. Where no mercy is shown, neither will it be given. And lest anyone, especially Christians forget, that is exactly what Jesus taught. "As you sow, so shall you reap."
Mark Magula
In the video, the Planned Parenthood exec says she'd just done a "17 weeker" meaning she'd aborted a 17 week old child in its mother's womb. I defy anyone to watch a video of a 17 week old "Fetus" and tell me that it's merely a blob of cells as it moves it's hands and tiny fingers.
I doubt that progressives who support abortion as one of the great cornerstones of human freedom will take me up on the offer, though.
These obviously aren't non-human, fetus parts, which would have no intrinsic value, because they wouldn't be human. She is referring to the methods that she and other abortionists use to kill the baby in the womb, doing so in such a way as to leave the most valuable organs intact. Why? Because they're profitable. And yes, she also believes they have scientific value.
Watching the video is gut-wrenching. Not because of any graphic content, but solely because her casual indifference to the subject matter, is mind-blowing. She is talking about a living, breathing baby with fingers and toes, that can feel pain and has tissue and vital organs that she and others regard as valuable. In other words, if this were not a human baby, with developed appendages and organs, they would not, I repeat, not have the same value. The fact that this is a human being, a completely helpless infant, no less, is what makes it so hard to watch.
The liberal media has skewered the film as deceptive because of the methods used to obtain it. The actual subject matter, well, that's regarded as unimportant, as mere propaganda for the religious right. In response, I've read numerous liberal commentators and one in particular argue that this is primarily because of the the "icky" nature of abortion. You got that, the problem with abortion is it's icky, not cruel, not utterly indifferent to human life, but icky.
This is where the usual justifications come into play, "Republicans apparently don't care about the baby after it's born. So, why be concerned when it's defenseless in the womb." These are worse than diversionary tactics, they represent a moral failure so profound that it might give Josef Mengele pause.
All I can say is, may God judge such cruelty in kind. Where no mercy is shown, neither will it be given. And lest anyone, especially Christians forget, that is exactly what Jesus taught. "As you sow, so shall you reap."
Mark Magula