“Bullshit...it’s a Damned Invasion!”
“Bullshit...it’s a Damned Invasion!”
If your news sources are primarily the mainstream press, the caravan of migrants at the U.S. border is mostly woman and children seeking asylum from war and persecution. But, step outside the mainstream media’s bubble, and you find mostly young men, looking for work, as demonstrated by a number of journalists who infiltrated the caravan and filmed and interviewed the migrants. I certainly don’t blame poor Central Americans for wanting a better life. But I absolutely blame the media and politicians for incentivizing what has turned into a first wave invasion, intending to test the resolve of President Trump, while using woman and children as pawns to do so.
A few years back, when Barack Obama was president, the same thing happened with migrants from the Middle East and North Africa entering Europe, literally, by the millions. Virtually the same story was told, it’s mostly woman and children, instead of military age men, which, in reality, it was. In a matter of months, Europe began dealing with a violent crime wave, including rape and terrorism in Sweden, Germany, France, England, just about anywhere substantial numbers of migrants landed. The leaders of these countries did what politicians always do, they denied it. The mainstream press ignored the problem, as well, refusing to identify criminals using race, religion or ethnicity. Because these identifiers would clarify who was really responsible. By carefully controlling the news, the corporate press and politicians could clamp down on anything that might make them look bad. The most common identifier, when referring to migrant criminal activity, became the word “Asian.” As though Sweden or Germany had a problem with Japanese and Korean gangs, instead of young Middle Eastern Muslims.
When President Trump, early in his administration, used the words “No Go Zones,” to refer to places in Sweden where even the police hesitated to go, he was vilified by the press and politicians around the world. President Trump was correct, though, there were Muslim “No Go Zones” in Sweden. For those of us who, long ago, stopped relying on the corporate media for insight, this was hardly news.
Similarly, when some 700 plus women were sexually assaulted by Muslim men in Germany, over just a few days, the press and politicians vehemently denied it and went so far as to try and redefine sexual assault to minimize the impact of the problem. Which, allegedly didn’t exist. “Maybe it was a bit of unwanted groping. That’s if it actually happened.” the politicians said. It didn’t matter if there was video, of the assaults, they were probably doctored by rightwing hate groups. In other words, “Don’t believe your eyes! Believe what we tell you.” This is always the familiar mantra, offered by powerful people who have no inclination to take responsibility for the problems they create.
In both cases—in Europe and the U.S.—mass migration by migrants was/is being funded and facilitated by open borders groups and wealthy powerful business interests who want the cheap labor to replace the aging, White, childless families that are no longer reproducing their own populations in Europe—and, the aging baby boomer population in America. The welfare and retirement programs, in both places, are unsustainable, unless a fresh infusion of cheap labor, in the form of actual taxpayers, can be found.
Not surprisingly, all of these problems were created essentially by the same people. A generation ago they said there were too many people and too many babies, thus, encouraging Europeans and Americans to have fewer children. Because of over-population, which was a dire threat to humanity, just like global warming is said to be today. Armageddon is a helluva manipulation tool for benevolent tyrants. They were often the same people who advocated a range of unsustainable socialists programs. Add all these things together and you have, what appears to be, the inevitable destruction of Europe as it has existed.
To deal with this dilemma, bad ideas pile up, one on the other, with the hope that eventually, some good will come of it. The one unthinkable idea, however, is to take responsibility and change course. Lying is always preferable. So, lying, it is! If our brave leaders can hang onto their heads, (literally,) and hang onto their wealth, maybe, they’ll get out of here alive.
The rest of us? Probably not. All of this is equally applicable to the U.S...
There is a vague light at the end of the tunnel, however. Hillary Clinton, in a recent speech, said that mass migration, probably needed to slow down in Europe, due to the rise of “White supremacy.” Not as the result of the utterly failed policies advocated by Hillary and her European allies, but poor, working class, White folk, they are to blame.
Should we really expect powerful people to admit they’re wrong? They need a scapegoat, and you’re it.
Admittedly, it isn’t much. But it’s something. Even if that something still haunts us for generations to come. That would be a best-case scenario. Given the willful blindness of most Europeans and Americans, it is probably the best we can hope for.
Mark Magula
If your news sources are primarily the mainstream press, the caravan of migrants at the U.S. border is mostly woman and children seeking asylum from war and persecution. But, step outside the mainstream media’s bubble, and you find mostly young men, looking for work, as demonstrated by a number of journalists who infiltrated the caravan and filmed and interviewed the migrants. I certainly don’t blame poor Central Americans for wanting a better life. But I absolutely blame the media and politicians for incentivizing what has turned into a first wave invasion, intending to test the resolve of President Trump, while using woman and children as pawns to do so.
A few years back, when Barack Obama was president, the same thing happened with migrants from the Middle East and North Africa entering Europe, literally, by the millions. Virtually the same story was told, it’s mostly woman and children, instead of military age men, which, in reality, it was. In a matter of months, Europe began dealing with a violent crime wave, including rape and terrorism in Sweden, Germany, France, England, just about anywhere substantial numbers of migrants landed. The leaders of these countries did what politicians always do, they denied it. The mainstream press ignored the problem, as well, refusing to identify criminals using race, religion or ethnicity. Because these identifiers would clarify who was really responsible. By carefully controlling the news, the corporate press and politicians could clamp down on anything that might make them look bad. The most common identifier, when referring to migrant criminal activity, became the word “Asian.” As though Sweden or Germany had a problem with Japanese and Korean gangs, instead of young Middle Eastern Muslims.
When President Trump, early in his administration, used the words “No Go Zones,” to refer to places in Sweden where even the police hesitated to go, he was vilified by the press and politicians around the world. President Trump was correct, though, there were Muslim “No Go Zones” in Sweden. For those of us who, long ago, stopped relying on the corporate media for insight, this was hardly news.
Similarly, when some 700 plus women were sexually assaulted by Muslim men in Germany, over just a few days, the press and politicians vehemently denied it and went so far as to try and redefine sexual assault to minimize the impact of the problem. Which, allegedly didn’t exist. “Maybe it was a bit of unwanted groping. That’s if it actually happened.” the politicians said. It didn’t matter if there was video, of the assaults, they were probably doctored by rightwing hate groups. In other words, “Don’t believe your eyes! Believe what we tell you.” This is always the familiar mantra, offered by powerful people who have no inclination to take responsibility for the problems they create.
In both cases—in Europe and the U.S.—mass migration by migrants was/is being funded and facilitated by open borders groups and wealthy powerful business interests who want the cheap labor to replace the aging, White, childless families that are no longer reproducing their own populations in Europe—and, the aging baby boomer population in America. The welfare and retirement programs, in both places, are unsustainable, unless a fresh infusion of cheap labor, in the form of actual taxpayers, can be found.
Not surprisingly, all of these problems were created essentially by the same people. A generation ago they said there were too many people and too many babies, thus, encouraging Europeans and Americans to have fewer children. Because of over-population, which was a dire threat to humanity, just like global warming is said to be today. Armageddon is a helluva manipulation tool for benevolent tyrants. They were often the same people who advocated a range of unsustainable socialists programs. Add all these things together and you have, what appears to be, the inevitable destruction of Europe as it has existed.
To deal with this dilemma, bad ideas pile up, one on the other, with the hope that eventually, some good will come of it. The one unthinkable idea, however, is to take responsibility and change course. Lying is always preferable. So, lying, it is! If our brave leaders can hang onto their heads, (literally,) and hang onto their wealth, maybe, they’ll get out of here alive.
The rest of us? Probably not. All of this is equally applicable to the U.S...
There is a vague light at the end of the tunnel, however. Hillary Clinton, in a recent speech, said that mass migration, probably needed to slow down in Europe, due to the rise of “White supremacy.” Not as the result of the utterly failed policies advocated by Hillary and her European allies, but poor, working class, White folk, they are to blame.
Should we really expect powerful people to admit they’re wrong? They need a scapegoat, and you’re it.
Admittedly, it isn’t much. But it’s something. Even if that something still haunts us for generations to come. That would be a best-case scenario. Given the willful blindness of most Europeans and Americans, it is probably the best we can hope for.
Mark Magula