Jack Ryan: Promoting Jihad & The Brotherhood of Man
'Jack Ryan: Promoting Jihad & The Brotherhood of Man
The new series on Amazon Prime “Jack Ryan” is about an American intelligence analyst, previously played by Harrison Ford, some 25 years ago. There is a scene in the 3rd installment, where a female foreign intelligence agent explains why so many Muslims in France have been radicalized. “Because they can’t find work,” she says. Leaving large numbers of aimless young men, living in a racist culture, unemployed and hopeless. Apparently, because they’re Muslim. This last part is fully implied, although, not actually stated. In other words, the host country, France, is primarily responsible for their radicalization and France's growing terrorism problem. Not the terrorist’s religion. Not their country of origin. The mostly White natives of France are to blame.
Now, two simple questions might be; “How did so many Middles Eastern and N. African men end up in France in the first place? And what purpose does this mass-migration serve?”
Here is the answer: France’s native population is no longer reproducing itself. Meaning; France’s current welfare state, including its retirees, need a healthy, working-age population to foot the bill for Frances generous, socialist benefits. Like America’s retirees and welfare recipients, today’s workers pay for today’s beneficiaries. In other words, we paid for our parents, and our children pay for us. There is no social security account with your name on it, which you paid into. That money is long gone, politicians spent it, leaving you at the mercy of today’s workers. That is how socialism works. Socialism produces no wealth, it only redistributes wealth that’s already been created by privately owned businesses and American workers.
But, what happens when a significant portion of today’s workers don’t work and are on welfare? This brings us back to France’s Muslim/immigration/terrorism dilemma, all of which are linked.
The reason that France has a substantial population of unemployed, military-age young immigrant men isn’t the result of racism, but because immigrants can go on welfare in significant numbers—and not, because native French people won’t hire them. In fact, if you look at immigration patterns from that part of the world, it isn’t other Muslim nations they gravitate too, but Europeans countries, specifically for their generous welfare programs. This only amplifies the problem of having too many people not working, and too many people receiving welfare. Begging the question; where will the money come from to pay for it all? And, more importantly, if they can’t find work, why are they still being allowed to migrate, which just increases unemployment? It, likewise, ensures that wages will remain lower for the working poor, creating a circular problem with no end in sight. You almost can’t blame the new immigrants. You can certainly blame the politicians who facilitate these policies, though.
So here’s what you have; “The Race Card” is being played in France, just as it is in the U.S. because racism is a convenient scape-goat. With one big difference, France, only very recently, began importing this racially and ethnically diverse underclass, giving them welfare; free housing, food, and money. As the result, France is suffering the consequences of these failed policies. If not for the welfare state, these same immigrants would have to work and integrate, just as immigrants did generations ago. It’s why they don’t integrate, set up ethnic enclaves, and No-go zones, where native Frenchmen and women generally do not go. Even where Western nations are guilty of helping to create the chaos in The Middle East, it isn’t the working class who are to blame. Bringing me back to Amazon’s “Jack Ryan.”
Like most of the mainstream media, the story is spun so the problem is laid at the feet of the native population, and not the immigrants, who are the ones actually engaging in terrorism. The politicians simply cover their culpability with lies, aided by the media, which they control, along with the other global corporations, who claim no allegiance to any country, people or ideology beyond money. That’s at the root of it. Global money, a new world order, all articulated in the name of peace and brotherhood.
Just don’t get in the way of the profits, or you’ll find out how little your entree into the brotherhood of man is really worth.
Not a damn thing.
Mark Magula
The new series on Amazon Prime “Jack Ryan” is about an American intelligence analyst, previously played by Harrison Ford, some 25 years ago. There is a scene in the 3rd installment, where a female foreign intelligence agent explains why so many Muslims in France have been radicalized. “Because they can’t find work,” she says. Leaving large numbers of aimless young men, living in a racist culture, unemployed and hopeless. Apparently, because they’re Muslim. This last part is fully implied, although, not actually stated. In other words, the host country, France, is primarily responsible for their radicalization and France's growing terrorism problem. Not the terrorist’s religion. Not their country of origin. The mostly White natives of France are to blame.
Now, two simple questions might be; “How did so many Middles Eastern and N. African men end up in France in the first place? And what purpose does this mass-migration serve?”
Here is the answer: France’s native population is no longer reproducing itself. Meaning; France’s current welfare state, including its retirees, need a healthy, working-age population to foot the bill for Frances generous, socialist benefits. Like America’s retirees and welfare recipients, today’s workers pay for today’s beneficiaries. In other words, we paid for our parents, and our children pay for us. There is no social security account with your name on it, which you paid into. That money is long gone, politicians spent it, leaving you at the mercy of today’s workers. That is how socialism works. Socialism produces no wealth, it only redistributes wealth that’s already been created by privately owned businesses and American workers.
But, what happens when a significant portion of today’s workers don’t work and are on welfare? This brings us back to France’s Muslim/immigration/terrorism dilemma, all of which are linked.
The reason that France has a substantial population of unemployed, military-age young immigrant men isn’t the result of racism, but because immigrants can go on welfare in significant numbers—and not, because native French people won’t hire them. In fact, if you look at immigration patterns from that part of the world, it isn’t other Muslim nations they gravitate too, but Europeans countries, specifically for their generous welfare programs. This only amplifies the problem of having too many people not working, and too many people receiving welfare. Begging the question; where will the money come from to pay for it all? And, more importantly, if they can’t find work, why are they still being allowed to migrate, which just increases unemployment? It, likewise, ensures that wages will remain lower for the working poor, creating a circular problem with no end in sight. You almost can’t blame the new immigrants. You can certainly blame the politicians who facilitate these policies, though.
So here’s what you have; “The Race Card” is being played in France, just as it is in the U.S. because racism is a convenient scape-goat. With one big difference, France, only very recently, began importing this racially and ethnically diverse underclass, giving them welfare; free housing, food, and money. As the result, France is suffering the consequences of these failed policies. If not for the welfare state, these same immigrants would have to work and integrate, just as immigrants did generations ago. It’s why they don’t integrate, set up ethnic enclaves, and No-go zones, where native Frenchmen and women generally do not go. Even where Western nations are guilty of helping to create the chaos in The Middle East, it isn’t the working class who are to blame. Bringing me back to Amazon’s “Jack Ryan.”
Like most of the mainstream media, the story is spun so the problem is laid at the feet of the native population, and not the immigrants, who are the ones actually engaging in terrorism. The politicians simply cover their culpability with lies, aided by the media, which they control, along with the other global corporations, who claim no allegiance to any country, people or ideology beyond money. That’s at the root of it. Global money, a new world order, all articulated in the name of peace and brotherhood.
Just don’t get in the way of the profits, or you’ll find out how little your entree into the brotherhood of man is really worth.
Not a damn thing.
Mark Magula