Intentionally Censuring the News
Yesterday, right across the street from my house in Boca Raton, at the local Publix grocery store, three young men attacked and beat an elderly woman and stole her purse. She was 76. They were teenagers. They just wanted her purse, I guess. Maybe they needed it to match a favored ensemble, and just couldn’t afford one on their own? Who knows, in today’s world? The race of the perpetrators was left out of the story, as was that of the elderly victim. Who needs to know the race of three criminals roaming your neighborhood and assaulting old women? To say they were teenagers was enough, it seems.
This is not a new policy by major newspapers. In fact, it’s been in place for more than a decade. About twenty years ago the Miami Herald decided to stop printing the race of suspected criminals because they deemed it unnecessary. "There were other identifiers that were just as effective" they said. Height, weight, long hair, short hair, all, could do just as well. Of course, Race could completely eliminate substantial portions of a diverse population, the likes of which we have in S. Florida when identifying felons, thieves and murderers. But hey, maybe the potential perp had a tan or was dressed head to toe. Maybe they were wearing a hat, so his/her/? Race couldn’t easily be surmised. You wouldn’t want to get it wrong, now would you?
That some adults hypnotize themselves into believing such nonsense is telling.
No, the Miami Herald, like other papers of note, changed this practice because they began to read like recruitment material for the Klan. In Miami, tourists who happened to stray off the interstate while driving a rental car were being gunned down like mechanical ducks at a shooting gallery. So, in an effort to help and not allow the cities burgeoning tourist trade to go down the drain, the city put little sunshine smiley faces, pointing the appropriate direction for tourists, just in case they got confused and found themselves smack dab in the heart of murder-town. This immediately led to cries of "Racism." “One section of the city is no different than any other,” said the usual suspects, even as the bodies piled up like a roadside attraction in one neighborhood, while the occasional jaywalker could be found elsewhere. “Crime is crime” they screamed, long and loud, in the hopes that America's silent majority would ignore the growing carnage and side with all the thieves, murderers and drug dealers hidden just behind the well-intended progressives, who could no longer see race. They could only see racism. And, so they did, censoring certain negative information, just in case it didn’t fit the media’s preferred storyline.
So, what was the race of the perps who beat that 76-year-old woman senseless yesterday, just a stone’s throw from my house?
You’ll have to watch the video. I don’t want to offend anyone.
Mark Magula
This is not a new policy by major newspapers. In fact, it’s been in place for more than a decade. About twenty years ago the Miami Herald decided to stop printing the race of suspected criminals because they deemed it unnecessary. "There were other identifiers that were just as effective" they said. Height, weight, long hair, short hair, all, could do just as well. Of course, Race could completely eliminate substantial portions of a diverse population, the likes of which we have in S. Florida when identifying felons, thieves and murderers. But hey, maybe the potential perp had a tan or was dressed head to toe. Maybe they were wearing a hat, so his/her/? Race couldn’t easily be surmised. You wouldn’t want to get it wrong, now would you?
That some adults hypnotize themselves into believing such nonsense is telling.
No, the Miami Herald, like other papers of note, changed this practice because they began to read like recruitment material for the Klan. In Miami, tourists who happened to stray off the interstate while driving a rental car were being gunned down like mechanical ducks at a shooting gallery. So, in an effort to help and not allow the cities burgeoning tourist trade to go down the drain, the city put little sunshine smiley faces, pointing the appropriate direction for tourists, just in case they got confused and found themselves smack dab in the heart of murder-town. This immediately led to cries of "Racism." “One section of the city is no different than any other,” said the usual suspects, even as the bodies piled up like a roadside attraction in one neighborhood, while the occasional jaywalker could be found elsewhere. “Crime is crime” they screamed, long and loud, in the hopes that America's silent majority would ignore the growing carnage and side with all the thieves, murderers and drug dealers hidden just behind the well-intended progressives, who could no longer see race. They could only see racism. And, so they did, censoring certain negative information, just in case it didn’t fit the media’s preferred storyline.
So, what was the race of the perps who beat that 76-year-old woman senseless yesterday, just a stone’s throw from my house?
You’ll have to watch the video. I don’t want to offend anyone.
Mark Magula