I Was Just Thinking.....Hmm?
The last time we had a democrat as president he said "Don't worry, if we sign this deal with North Korea, it'll keep them from getting "The Bomb." Twelve years later, guess what? They got "The Bomb." Did they stop with one bomb? Of course not. On the other hand, they didn't immediately launch a nuclear attack. So, that's something. However, when you have a series of dictators, passing a nation down through the family like an heirloom and ruling as divine leaders, who have also starved millions of their own people to death, you gotta wonder, what now? Maybe the Iran deal ain't so good after all.
The last time we had a democrat as president he said "Don't worry, if we sign this deal with North Korea, it'll keep them from getting "The Bomb." Twelve years later, guess what? They got "The Bomb." Did they stop with one bomb? Of course not. On the other hand, they didn't immediately launch a nuclear attack. So, that's something. However, when you have a series of dictators, passing a nation down through the family like an heirloom and ruling as divine leaders, who have also starved millions of their own people to death, you gotta wonder, what now? Maybe the Iran deal ain't so good after all.
The University of California newspaper "The Daily Bruin" says "Free Tampons Could Lessen Inequality." This is not a joke. This is from people alleged to be sentient life-forms. Well-educated ones, at that.
The University of California newspaper "The Daily Bruin" says "Free Tampons Could Lessen Inequality." This is not a joke. This is from people alleged to be sentient life-forms. Well-educated ones, at that.
Sharia in Seattle
Seattle works to implement Sharia Law. Plus! They want to give special loans to Muslims to buy houses, minus interest. In other words, at a zero interest rate. Does this sound reasonable. Apparently, if you are a far left Liberal it does. Muslims probably like it, too. I can think of no punishment sufficiently cruel for such people, meaning, far left liberals, that is. Let me be clear; a flaming cobra, shot from a 44 magnum directly into their devious little hearts might satisfy my blood-lust, but just barely.
Seattle works to implement Sharia Law. Plus! They want to give special loans to Muslims to buy houses, minus interest. In other words, at a zero interest rate. Does this sound reasonable. Apparently, if you are a far left Liberal it does. Muslims probably like it, too. I can think of no punishment sufficiently cruel for such people, meaning, far left liberals, that is. Let me be clear; a flaming cobra, shot from a 44 magnum directly into their devious little hearts might satisfy my blood-lust, but just barely.
The Donald vs. The Guvenor
"The Donald" tries to go the Southern border for a visit. Why? Because the Southern border has apparently been wide open since before the last election. "Nay Nay" says the powers that be. "You may not visit the border, even though you're an American citizen." Does this sound fishy? No! But it does smell very fishy. Very fishy indeed.
"The Donald" tries to go the Southern border for a visit. Why? Because the Southern border has apparently been wide open since before the last election. "Nay Nay" says the powers that be. "You may not visit the border, even though you're an American citizen." Does this sound fishy? No! But it does smell very fishy. Very fishy indeed.
The Universe Hates You
Workers at McDonald's are faced with a dilemma, if they get $15.00 an hour, they'll lose their food-stamps. Now what? This is an actual dilemma. I'm not making this up. Apparently, no matter what you do, the universe will kick your ass. Hmm?
Workers at McDonald's are faced with a dilemma, if they get $15.00 an hour, they'll lose their food-stamps. Now what? This is an actual dilemma. I'm not making this up. Apparently, no matter what you do, the universe will kick your ass. Hmm?
Why Can't I Have Whatever I Want?
A philosopher asked me "Why can't a man have everything he wants?" I thought about it for a minute and said "Because, if you had everything you wanted, there would be nothing left for anybody else." But then I thought, "Hey what if he only wanted a few things, that would leave plenty for the rest of us. Hmm?"
A philosopher asked me "Why can't a man have everything he wants?" I thought about it for a minute and said "Because, if you had everything you wanted, there would be nothing left for anybody else." But then I thought, "Hey what if he only wanted a few things, that would leave plenty for the rest of us. Hmm?"
If There's A God Why Is There Suffering?
I was once was asked by a philosopher "If there is a god, why is there evil?" I answered "That's simple. Because people do evil things." He then said "OK, but what about when a natural disaster, like an avalanche kills somebody? What then?" I said "That's easy! Clearly, they were at the wrong place at the wrong time." And then I added "DUH!" So, the next time somebody asks about God, evil and avalanches and stuff, you'll know what to say. I hope that helps.
I was once was asked by a philosopher "If there is a god, why is there evil?" I answered "That's simple. Because people do evil things." He then said "OK, but what about when a natural disaster, like an avalanche kills somebody? What then?" I said "That's easy! Clearly, they were at the wrong place at the wrong time." And then I added "DUH!" So, the next time somebody asks about God, evil and avalanches and stuff, you'll know what to say. I hope that helps.
How Corrupt Can Corrupt Get?
You want to know just how corrupt and incompetent your government is? Congress was sent a new "Highway bill." The bill is over 1000 pages long. They got the bill at 3:07 and were expected to vote on it at 4:00. That's about 50 minutes to read a bill, written in legalese, that's almost as long as Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. Sound reasonable?
You want to know just how corrupt and incompetent your government is? Congress was sent a new "Highway bill." The bill is over 1000 pages long. They got the bill at 3:07 and were expected to vote on it at 4:00. That's about 50 minutes to read a bill, written in legalese, that's almost as long as Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. Sound reasonable?
Rhetoric or Bullshit?
Rhetoric - "language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content."
The art of rhetoric is at least as old as the ancient Greeks. The Apostle Paul, for instance, was a gifted Rhetorician, as were Plato and Socrates before him. Any modestly skilled politician can use language to persuade. Whether they are actually saying anything meaningful, however, is very different. That requires an audience sufficiently educated in whatever the subject matter may be, to hold the speaker accountable for their words. If we want "Sound and fury signifying nothing" listen, but don't ask any questions, in which case we become allies, aiding and abetting the cause of would-be tyrants, making us accountable for their actions, as well.
Rhetoric - "language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content."
The art of rhetoric is at least as old as the ancient Greeks. The Apostle Paul, for instance, was a gifted Rhetorician, as were Plato and Socrates before him. Any modestly skilled politician can use language to persuade. Whether they are actually saying anything meaningful, however, is very different. That requires an audience sufficiently educated in whatever the subject matter may be, to hold the speaker accountable for their words. If we want "Sound and fury signifying nothing" listen, but don't ask any questions, in which case we become allies, aiding and abetting the cause of would-be tyrants, making us accountable for their actions, as well.
Is It Bigoted To Hate Bigots?
If you hate the people who hate you, does that make you a hater? What if they're bigots? Is it OK, then? Is it OK to hate bigotry? Isn't bigotry just a human trait, though, so maybe you can't really hate hatred or bigotry without hating people. But that would make you a hater, wouldn't it. Or, maybe you're just bigoted against bigots. Were those last two sentences questions or answers?
Mark Magula
If you hate the people who hate you, does that make you a hater? What if they're bigots? Is it OK, then? Is it OK to hate bigotry? Isn't bigotry just a human trait, though, so maybe you can't really hate hatred or bigotry without hating people. But that would make you a hater, wouldn't it. Or, maybe you're just bigoted against bigots. Were those last two sentences questions or answers?
Mark Magula