I Spy (For The FBI)
I Spy (For The FBI)
What is a spy, except someone who spies? There is, apparently, a time in which a spy is not really a spy, even when they spy. Because they’re not spying for self-serving purposes, they’re spying for the greater good. This seems to be the sleight of hand that the press is currently using to justify The FBI having a spy in the Trump camp, which we now know they did. Did they have one in Hillary’s camp or Obama’s? It seems unlikely. They also had wiretaps, just as Trump said, which, at the time, caused the press to descend into apoplexy and other forms of anti-Trump hysteria, at the earliest stages of this media charade…..I mean, investigation.
This bit of theater works like this: let’s say you want to spy on someone you don’t like, but you don’t want to be accused of being a spy. In most instances, spying on someone is frowned upon, even illegal. Especially, if the spying is politically motivated. So, the one thing you’re going to need is probable cause. This is your get-out-of-jail card, indicating that you were probably spying, but, that you might’ve had a good reason.
What could that reason be? “Hmm? Hmm?”
The Russians! That’s it!
The Russians are bad, you see. Something conservatives have been saying for a hundred years, but “The 80’s want their foreign policy back,” as then President Barack Obama joked in his 2nd debate with Mitt Romney, causing the press to laugh maniacally that Romney was such a rube as to believe that the Russians were a threat to America. “Ha!” they laughed. This, of course, is what Romney warned about—Russian being a threat—which, at the time, the press and President Obama found so funny. Not unlike when President Obama said; “Donald Trump needs to get real! Who could possibly be insane enough to suggest that our elections are at risk?” which Trump had, just prior to the election, when he questioned the Democrats after they suggested that no one needs an ID to vote! “Because ID’s are racist! Apparently, only a madman…..or, Donald Trump, would think that!” they chortled, almost rupturing a gut with laughter.
Until Hillary Lost.
If you can prove the Russians were trying to undermine our elections, using one of Trump’s people, the Democrats might be able to condone legally spying on the Trump campaign. But only if the allegations of hacking demonstrated that someone, anyone, in Trump’s camp, actually colluded with The Russians. In reality, the only evidence that the Russians hacked the election, came from The Democratic National Committee, whose servers were, apparently, hacked. But by whom? We don’t really know, the Democratic National Committee never allowed anyone but a private company to analyze the allegedly hacked computer. Not The FBI. Not The CIA. They simply refused to turn them over for examination. “Just take our word for it. It was The Russians.” was their ongoing mantra. This means that when people like James Clapper and James Comey, the CIA and FBI respectively, say “Yes, the Russians hacked The DNC’s servers.” They must be concluding this using ESP, or some other arcane and supernatural method, since they never, ever, examined the actual server to determine who did what. Remember, because The DNC and Hillary said; “Hands off! No way! You’re just gonna have to just take our word for it.”
But, let’s circle back to the actual spies we can fully verify as having spied, probably illegally.
The easiest way to prove that The FBI was justified in spying (according to The FBI,) is to accuse the people they were spying on of being Russian spies. This gives them probable cause. Thus they’ve proven, or, at the very least, justified, legally spying. In short, they’ve put the cart before the horse in an attempt to save America from The Russians, thereby, making them noble. Not spies, mind you, even though, they were the only ones doing the spying. This will ultimately be their excuse, if and when they finally get nailed for their crimes.
“We were just trying to protect America! So, no matter what we did, it can be excused as well-meaning. Please! Don’t put us in jail!”
The trick to all of this is to get a bunch of spies, to spy on the alleged spies, proving that a whole lot of spying was going on. You are, however, gonna need one thing, a scapegoat, just in case you get caught. So you need to find a low-level operative, someone hungry for a bigger role in the Trump camp, and then use their ambition and youth against them, as was the case with George Pappadopoulis, a 28 yr-old campaign aid, who had almost no access to The FBI’s real target, that being then, candidate, Donald Trump. Papadopoulos was their entree point, for their spying operation.
If you’re an experienced spy, you want to be very careful about who you spy on. You don’t want to pick someone with real connections, who also has some actual political savvy about these things. No, you want a relatively low-profile, inexperienced target. You then feed them a bit of info about possible Russian hacking, get them drunk, find a political asset, say…..an Australian ambassador, who has ties to the Clintons and the intelligence community to “Overhear” a drunken conversation that sounds suspicious—and “Voila!” you got probable cause to spy. Tenuous, mind you, but probable. Sort of. Because nothing says you’re on the trail of assassins, like a drunken conversation with a low-level operative. Using this method, you could justify spying on the president’s dog;
“We hear President Trump’s dog Fido was talking to Putin’s mutt, Nikolai. I guess, we’d better get to spying on the president!”
It also helps if you have an experienced spy already on the job. That appears to have been the case before Carter Page and George Papadopolous were even a gleam in The FBI’s eye. It also runs utterly contrary to the reasons previously given by both the media and the Democrats. I guess the FBI and other agencies are practiced in the art of predicting the future since it appears that an international spy was already on the job before they had anything like probable cause. You’d think, for just a second, maybe, that the endless articles and accusations disseminated thru the press against Page and Pappadopoulis as Russian stooges, would cause a bit of second-guessing—maybe we're wrong—or something, like that, especially when those stories have fallen apart.
Regardless, should Mr. Pappadopoulis not cooperate the Witch-finder General, Robert Mueller, or one of his cronies, you’ve always got a special counsel’s special powers to fall back on. All you have to do is ask him a leading question, thus setting up a perjury trap. This will enable you to legally arrest him. You have the power of “The State,” at your disposal. This can be used to force your target to turn state’s evidence unless they want to have tremendous, I mean, really tremendous legal costs, and, possibly, end up in prison. So, cooperate, or lose everything, including your, money, your family, and your freedom. That is how this little game of state-sponsored, political extortion works.
This tactic was already used on Mike Flynn, a man with 33 years of military service under both Republicans and Democrats, President Obama included. Flynn was President Trump’s pick as National Security Adviser. Flynn, however, was pretty hard on Radical Islam, which, according to former President Obama, doesn’t exist, and, is really, just Islamaphobia. I mean, who would know better, a part-time college professor, with only 2 years in the U.S. Senate and no foreign policy experience? Or, a military man with a sterling military pedigree, who’s been there and back, more than a few times? Should “The State” find they have no evidence to support their justification for spying, it doesn’t matter. Because you now have your target set-up for the crime of perjury, making them a criminal. This will be all the justification you need to spy like hell, now that you have actual criminals to pursue, even if they’re manufactured criminals. If that’s not enough, claim they're a Russian spy. That way it all circles back around to the original accusation, and the water is so muddy, you couldn’t see your own hand, an inch from your face. Without a real crime, muddy water is what the special counsel wants, in fact, needs.
Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Adviser illegally unmasked dozens of people affiliated with the Trump camp so they could be surveilled. Samantha Power, Obama’s UN Ambassador unmasked hundreds more, for the same purpose. This is beyond dispute. What the Obama administration and the media would have us believe, is that potentially hundreds of American citizens working around Trump’s campaign were Russian spies, but, somehow, The FBI, the, most powerful domestic investigative body on earth, could find neither hide nor hair of them. Not even a smidgen of evidence for Trump/Russian collusion. The fact that most, if not all those unmasked were conservatives, should alert, an alert mind. But, apparently, there are few alert minds left in Washington and in newsrooms around the world. This is what happens when ideology drives the pursuit of evidence, and an enormous echo-chamber is created to reinforce the underlying narrative.
As far as Mike Flynn, it seems not to matter one damned bit that the FBI agent who interviewed him, said that he didn’t think Flynn lied, meaning there was no justification for a claim of perjury. Luckily, though, there is always someone higher up the food chain who will say what needs to be said, even if it’s not true. That is the power, and the problem, of a heavily politicized government agency. Even if you’re no longer in power, you’ve always got allies and moles buried deep within.
Now, to seal the deal and make it stick, you have to take this little game of political espionage to the public. You’re gonna need public support, especially if you get caught spying. This is where the press comes in. It’s also the power of a good Leaker, sometimes called an informant. If those “Leakers” are high-level government officials, all the better. We now know, that’s exactly what they were, politically motivated leakers. Here is a list of the known leakers. But first, how do we know who they were, and, that they leaked? Because they admitted it, under oath.
1. The former head of The FBI James Comey openly, and admittedly, hated Trump. Comey acknowledged that his leaking to the press was for the express purpose of getting a special prosecutor appointed, in spite of the fact that neither he nor The FBI found any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. According to James Comey, the President was never even under investigation, completely contrary to virtually everything written in the mainstream media. Furthermore, Comey stated this under oath.
Why the push for a special prosecutor, then? I’ll get to that in a minute.
2. Former Deputy Director of The FBI Andrew McCabe admitted leaking false info to the press. He lied under oath about it, committing real, verifiable, perjury. And yes, McCabe hated Trump. McCabe’s wife also took a cool a $400,000 campaign contribution from the Clinton’s and their proxies, in her senatorial bid. To which the press said, “Huh? Collusion? We don’t see no dang collusion here!” not unlike a blind-man wearing blinders, plus a blindfold to cover his eyes, (just in case he regains his sight.)
3. Former Director of Counter Intelligence for The FBI Peter Strzok: Strzok’s own emails incriminate the hell out of him, just like Hillary’s did. But what the heck! Everyone has emails. Right? “Counter Intelligence,” was Strzok’s job description, and is a form of espionage, aka, spying. Strzok also hated, I mean, “Hated” Trump. Again, his own emails incriminate him. Like a lying Pinocchio spying on Jeppeto, Strzok and the upper echelon of the agency, lied, spied, and attempted to lay a foundation for a coup against a sitting president. But, no worries. Because, “I’m with The FBI!” and other memes for idiots, makes it all good. Suggesting that justice, whatever it might be, is about taking sides, even if your side is completely full of shit.
Then, there is the granddaddy of all lying leakers, James Clapper, former head of The CIA, who leaked, and lied about lying, and did so under oath, and then was given a cushy, well-paying job with CNN as a payoff. CNN lies daily, hourly, by the minute, by the micro-second about the president, in particular, and, about politics in general. But that’s OK, because the mountain of circular evidence they daily offer, is compelling, but only to those who engage in circular reasoning.
So, here’s the skinny; all those unnamed sources, who were the source of those endless stories about shadowy Russians and back channels to Vlad Putin, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, came from the above people, those same pro-Hillary, anti-Trump, lying sacks of shit. About that, there is no doubt. They lied. They spied. And they did so illegally, and every damned day, the evidence grows and grows against them.
But, hope springs eternal, for the Dumb-o-crats and the plutocrats, who are one and the same. After all, who knows what evidence Witch Finder General-Mueller has up his sleeve? You can be sure that whatever it is, it will be hailed from on high as the beginning of the end of Trump, like the last couple’a hundred times, all of which came to naught. Zero. Zip. Nada. Nothing. An actual vacuum of evidence. A black hole of evidence.
Imaginations are grand things, however. Convenient, too, under the right circumstances. When you need to crucify your enemies while justifying your own sins. Especially, then.
This is the power of the uninhibited special prosecutor, former FBI head, the official Witch Finder General, and would-be Trump killer, Robert Mueller, an old friend to James Comey, another former head of The FBI. Mueller can go wherever he wishes to go, unfettered by legal norms and other pesky things, like the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Finding crimes, any crimes, for the purpose of an indictment. And if they can’t find a crime, they’ll manufacture one, as they did against Mike Flynn. Yes. The partisan hacks in the media and their many idiot sycophants, stand firm with The FBI.
Do they stand firm with Justice?
Not so much.
Mark Magula
What is a spy, except someone who spies? There is, apparently, a time in which a spy is not really a spy, even when they spy. Because they’re not spying for self-serving purposes, they’re spying for the greater good. This seems to be the sleight of hand that the press is currently using to justify The FBI having a spy in the Trump camp, which we now know they did. Did they have one in Hillary’s camp or Obama’s? It seems unlikely. They also had wiretaps, just as Trump said, which, at the time, caused the press to descend into apoplexy and other forms of anti-Trump hysteria, at the earliest stages of this media charade…..I mean, investigation.
This bit of theater works like this: let’s say you want to spy on someone you don’t like, but you don’t want to be accused of being a spy. In most instances, spying on someone is frowned upon, even illegal. Especially, if the spying is politically motivated. So, the one thing you’re going to need is probable cause. This is your get-out-of-jail card, indicating that you were probably spying, but, that you might’ve had a good reason.
What could that reason be? “Hmm? Hmm?”
The Russians! That’s it!
The Russians are bad, you see. Something conservatives have been saying for a hundred years, but “The 80’s want their foreign policy back,” as then President Barack Obama joked in his 2nd debate with Mitt Romney, causing the press to laugh maniacally that Romney was such a rube as to believe that the Russians were a threat to America. “Ha!” they laughed. This, of course, is what Romney warned about—Russian being a threat—which, at the time, the press and President Obama found so funny. Not unlike when President Obama said; “Donald Trump needs to get real! Who could possibly be insane enough to suggest that our elections are at risk?” which Trump had, just prior to the election, when he questioned the Democrats after they suggested that no one needs an ID to vote! “Because ID’s are racist! Apparently, only a madman…..or, Donald Trump, would think that!” they chortled, almost rupturing a gut with laughter.
Until Hillary Lost.
If you can prove the Russians were trying to undermine our elections, using one of Trump’s people, the Democrats might be able to condone legally spying on the Trump campaign. But only if the allegations of hacking demonstrated that someone, anyone, in Trump’s camp, actually colluded with The Russians. In reality, the only evidence that the Russians hacked the election, came from The Democratic National Committee, whose servers were, apparently, hacked. But by whom? We don’t really know, the Democratic National Committee never allowed anyone but a private company to analyze the allegedly hacked computer. Not The FBI. Not The CIA. They simply refused to turn them over for examination. “Just take our word for it. It was The Russians.” was their ongoing mantra. This means that when people like James Clapper and James Comey, the CIA and FBI respectively, say “Yes, the Russians hacked The DNC’s servers.” They must be concluding this using ESP, or some other arcane and supernatural method, since they never, ever, examined the actual server to determine who did what. Remember, because The DNC and Hillary said; “Hands off! No way! You’re just gonna have to just take our word for it.”
But, let’s circle back to the actual spies we can fully verify as having spied, probably illegally.
The easiest way to prove that The FBI was justified in spying (according to The FBI,) is to accuse the people they were spying on of being Russian spies. This gives them probable cause. Thus they’ve proven, or, at the very least, justified, legally spying. In short, they’ve put the cart before the horse in an attempt to save America from The Russians, thereby, making them noble. Not spies, mind you, even though, they were the only ones doing the spying. This will ultimately be their excuse, if and when they finally get nailed for their crimes.
“We were just trying to protect America! So, no matter what we did, it can be excused as well-meaning. Please! Don’t put us in jail!”
The trick to all of this is to get a bunch of spies, to spy on the alleged spies, proving that a whole lot of spying was going on. You are, however, gonna need one thing, a scapegoat, just in case you get caught. So you need to find a low-level operative, someone hungry for a bigger role in the Trump camp, and then use their ambition and youth against them, as was the case with George Pappadopoulis, a 28 yr-old campaign aid, who had almost no access to The FBI’s real target, that being then, candidate, Donald Trump. Papadopoulos was their entree point, for their spying operation.
If you’re an experienced spy, you want to be very careful about who you spy on. You don’t want to pick someone with real connections, who also has some actual political savvy about these things. No, you want a relatively low-profile, inexperienced target. You then feed them a bit of info about possible Russian hacking, get them drunk, find a political asset, say…..an Australian ambassador, who has ties to the Clintons and the intelligence community to “Overhear” a drunken conversation that sounds suspicious—and “Voila!” you got probable cause to spy. Tenuous, mind you, but probable. Sort of. Because nothing says you’re on the trail of assassins, like a drunken conversation with a low-level operative. Using this method, you could justify spying on the president’s dog;
“We hear President Trump’s dog Fido was talking to Putin’s mutt, Nikolai. I guess, we’d better get to spying on the president!”
It also helps if you have an experienced spy already on the job. That appears to have been the case before Carter Page and George Papadopolous were even a gleam in The FBI’s eye. It also runs utterly contrary to the reasons previously given by both the media and the Democrats. I guess the FBI and other agencies are practiced in the art of predicting the future since it appears that an international spy was already on the job before they had anything like probable cause. You’d think, for just a second, maybe, that the endless articles and accusations disseminated thru the press against Page and Pappadopoulis as Russian stooges, would cause a bit of second-guessing—maybe we're wrong—or something, like that, especially when those stories have fallen apart.
Regardless, should Mr. Pappadopoulis not cooperate the Witch-finder General, Robert Mueller, or one of his cronies, you’ve always got a special counsel’s special powers to fall back on. All you have to do is ask him a leading question, thus setting up a perjury trap. This will enable you to legally arrest him. You have the power of “The State,” at your disposal. This can be used to force your target to turn state’s evidence unless they want to have tremendous, I mean, really tremendous legal costs, and, possibly, end up in prison. So, cooperate, or lose everything, including your, money, your family, and your freedom. That is how this little game of state-sponsored, political extortion works.
This tactic was already used on Mike Flynn, a man with 33 years of military service under both Republicans and Democrats, President Obama included. Flynn was President Trump’s pick as National Security Adviser. Flynn, however, was pretty hard on Radical Islam, which, according to former President Obama, doesn’t exist, and, is really, just Islamaphobia. I mean, who would know better, a part-time college professor, with only 2 years in the U.S. Senate and no foreign policy experience? Or, a military man with a sterling military pedigree, who’s been there and back, more than a few times? Should “The State” find they have no evidence to support their justification for spying, it doesn’t matter. Because you now have your target set-up for the crime of perjury, making them a criminal. This will be all the justification you need to spy like hell, now that you have actual criminals to pursue, even if they’re manufactured criminals. If that’s not enough, claim they're a Russian spy. That way it all circles back around to the original accusation, and the water is so muddy, you couldn’t see your own hand, an inch from your face. Without a real crime, muddy water is what the special counsel wants, in fact, needs.
Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Adviser illegally unmasked dozens of people affiliated with the Trump camp so they could be surveilled. Samantha Power, Obama’s UN Ambassador unmasked hundreds more, for the same purpose. This is beyond dispute. What the Obama administration and the media would have us believe, is that potentially hundreds of American citizens working around Trump’s campaign were Russian spies, but, somehow, The FBI, the, most powerful domestic investigative body on earth, could find neither hide nor hair of them. Not even a smidgen of evidence for Trump/Russian collusion. The fact that most, if not all those unmasked were conservatives, should alert, an alert mind. But, apparently, there are few alert minds left in Washington and in newsrooms around the world. This is what happens when ideology drives the pursuit of evidence, and an enormous echo-chamber is created to reinforce the underlying narrative.
As far as Mike Flynn, it seems not to matter one damned bit that the FBI agent who interviewed him, said that he didn’t think Flynn lied, meaning there was no justification for a claim of perjury. Luckily, though, there is always someone higher up the food chain who will say what needs to be said, even if it’s not true. That is the power, and the problem, of a heavily politicized government agency. Even if you’re no longer in power, you’ve always got allies and moles buried deep within.
Now, to seal the deal and make it stick, you have to take this little game of political espionage to the public. You’re gonna need public support, especially if you get caught spying. This is where the press comes in. It’s also the power of a good Leaker, sometimes called an informant. If those “Leakers” are high-level government officials, all the better. We now know, that’s exactly what they were, politically motivated leakers. Here is a list of the known leakers. But first, how do we know who they were, and, that they leaked? Because they admitted it, under oath.
1. The former head of The FBI James Comey openly, and admittedly, hated Trump. Comey acknowledged that his leaking to the press was for the express purpose of getting a special prosecutor appointed, in spite of the fact that neither he nor The FBI found any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. According to James Comey, the President was never even under investigation, completely contrary to virtually everything written in the mainstream media. Furthermore, Comey stated this under oath.
Why the push for a special prosecutor, then? I’ll get to that in a minute.
2. Former Deputy Director of The FBI Andrew McCabe admitted leaking false info to the press. He lied under oath about it, committing real, verifiable, perjury. And yes, McCabe hated Trump. McCabe’s wife also took a cool a $400,000 campaign contribution from the Clinton’s and their proxies, in her senatorial bid. To which the press said, “Huh? Collusion? We don’t see no dang collusion here!” not unlike a blind-man wearing blinders, plus a blindfold to cover his eyes, (just in case he regains his sight.)
3. Former Director of Counter Intelligence for The FBI Peter Strzok: Strzok’s own emails incriminate the hell out of him, just like Hillary’s did. But what the heck! Everyone has emails. Right? “Counter Intelligence,” was Strzok’s job description, and is a form of espionage, aka, spying. Strzok also hated, I mean, “Hated” Trump. Again, his own emails incriminate him. Like a lying Pinocchio spying on Jeppeto, Strzok and the upper echelon of the agency, lied, spied, and attempted to lay a foundation for a coup against a sitting president. But, no worries. Because, “I’m with The FBI!” and other memes for idiots, makes it all good. Suggesting that justice, whatever it might be, is about taking sides, even if your side is completely full of shit.
Then, there is the granddaddy of all lying leakers, James Clapper, former head of The CIA, who leaked, and lied about lying, and did so under oath, and then was given a cushy, well-paying job with CNN as a payoff. CNN lies daily, hourly, by the minute, by the micro-second about the president, in particular, and, about politics in general. But that’s OK, because the mountain of circular evidence they daily offer, is compelling, but only to those who engage in circular reasoning.
So, here’s the skinny; all those unnamed sources, who were the source of those endless stories about shadowy Russians and back channels to Vlad Putin, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, came from the above people, those same pro-Hillary, anti-Trump, lying sacks of shit. About that, there is no doubt. They lied. They spied. And they did so illegally, and every damned day, the evidence grows and grows against them.
But, hope springs eternal, for the Dumb-o-crats and the plutocrats, who are one and the same. After all, who knows what evidence Witch Finder General-Mueller has up his sleeve? You can be sure that whatever it is, it will be hailed from on high as the beginning of the end of Trump, like the last couple’a hundred times, all of which came to naught. Zero. Zip. Nada. Nothing. An actual vacuum of evidence. A black hole of evidence.
Imaginations are grand things, however. Convenient, too, under the right circumstances. When you need to crucify your enemies while justifying your own sins. Especially, then.
This is the power of the uninhibited special prosecutor, former FBI head, the official Witch Finder General, and would-be Trump killer, Robert Mueller, an old friend to James Comey, another former head of The FBI. Mueller can go wherever he wishes to go, unfettered by legal norms and other pesky things, like the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Finding crimes, any crimes, for the purpose of an indictment. And if they can’t find a crime, they’ll manufacture one, as they did against Mike Flynn. Yes. The partisan hacks in the media and their many idiot sycophants, stand firm with The FBI.
Do they stand firm with Justice?
Not so much.
Mark Magula