"I Gotta Take A Wiz" or "How Starbucks Destroyed the World"
"I Gotta Take A Wiz" or, "How Starbucks Destroyed the World"
Millions of Americans, maybe hundreds of millions over the decades, walked into stores, clubs or restaurants and heard; “If you’re going to sit there, you’ve got to buy something. If not, you’ve gotta go!” Almost none of us, ever thought; “You know, that seems unfair. Why shouldn’t I be able to take up space, thereby costing this business money, thereby costing a waiter or waitress the ability to make a living?” Unless we were young, very young, and very dumb. Then, maybe.
A much smaller number of Americans might’ve responded with; “I’m not moving, even if you call the cops.” Because we knew that was wrong. But, no more. Today, the race card subverts all norms, including the essential manners for a healthy society.
Now, most Americans, over the age of 12, let's say, know how basic manners work, as the result of the golden rule, “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” We used to learn that about the time we learned to talk. This multiple thousand-year-old golden-rule, has been replaced with a new golden rule; “Use every circumstance possible—real or imagined—to advance a political cause and persecute our enemies.” Then subvert all that’s normal with these new mantra’s, for a new generation; “You’re racist!” You’re homophobic!” You’re transphobic!” “You’re a jingoistic, deplorable human being, a hater who hates women and undocumented immigrants, who’re all noble, the best and the brightest!”
Every bit of this rhetoric, is the result of two things, ignorance and a hunger for political power. That’s how two men walk into a Starbucks, sit down, buy nothing, and then want to use the restroom (while still sitting and buying nothing) and refuse to leave, even after the cops have been called. This, somehow, turned into a civil rights issue of global significance.
The CEO of Starbucks then rushed to make a YouTube video, profusely apologizing for this shameless act of intolerance. Because he’s either a spineless cur, or terrified of a well-organized campaign of threats and lawsuits, and days, possibly weeks, even years, of ridiculous media spin, turning Starbucks into a burned out shell of a former business.
That’s the power of the race card. It’s also why “Diversity,” is nothing more than a divide and conquer strategy, used by progressives and other leftwing pimps to gain an advantage.
I’m not suggesting that diversity is bad. I’m simply stating what should be obvious; the minute you empower politicians to try and compensate for past wrongs, committed by almost no one living, based primarily on a theory of identity politics, it will be the end of a civil society.
The way you get around this is simple; court the young, who have no real-life experience, and elevate ignorance to a place of desirability, and “Voila,” you’re on your way as a culture to its imminent destruction. Hell! They’ll even celebrate their cultures demise as an act of contrition.
“Replaced by what?” A rational person might ask.
But there are too few rational people left, so the question remains unspoken. Meaning, no answer is necessary.
Mark Magula
Millions of Americans, maybe hundreds of millions over the decades, walked into stores, clubs or restaurants and heard; “If you’re going to sit there, you’ve got to buy something. If not, you’ve gotta go!” Almost none of us, ever thought; “You know, that seems unfair. Why shouldn’t I be able to take up space, thereby costing this business money, thereby costing a waiter or waitress the ability to make a living?” Unless we were young, very young, and very dumb. Then, maybe.
A much smaller number of Americans might’ve responded with; “I’m not moving, even if you call the cops.” Because we knew that was wrong. But, no more. Today, the race card subverts all norms, including the essential manners for a healthy society.
Now, most Americans, over the age of 12, let's say, know how basic manners work, as the result of the golden rule, “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” We used to learn that about the time we learned to talk. This multiple thousand-year-old golden-rule, has been replaced with a new golden rule; “Use every circumstance possible—real or imagined—to advance a political cause and persecute our enemies.” Then subvert all that’s normal with these new mantra’s, for a new generation; “You’re racist!” You’re homophobic!” You’re transphobic!” “You’re a jingoistic, deplorable human being, a hater who hates women and undocumented immigrants, who’re all noble, the best and the brightest!”
Every bit of this rhetoric, is the result of two things, ignorance and a hunger for political power. That’s how two men walk into a Starbucks, sit down, buy nothing, and then want to use the restroom (while still sitting and buying nothing) and refuse to leave, even after the cops have been called. This, somehow, turned into a civil rights issue of global significance.
The CEO of Starbucks then rushed to make a YouTube video, profusely apologizing for this shameless act of intolerance. Because he’s either a spineless cur, or terrified of a well-organized campaign of threats and lawsuits, and days, possibly weeks, even years, of ridiculous media spin, turning Starbucks into a burned out shell of a former business.
That’s the power of the race card. It’s also why “Diversity,” is nothing more than a divide and conquer strategy, used by progressives and other leftwing pimps to gain an advantage.
I’m not suggesting that diversity is bad. I’m simply stating what should be obvious; the minute you empower politicians to try and compensate for past wrongs, committed by almost no one living, based primarily on a theory of identity politics, it will be the end of a civil society.
The way you get around this is simple; court the young, who have no real-life experience, and elevate ignorance to a place of desirability, and “Voila,” you’re on your way as a culture to its imminent destruction. Hell! They’ll even celebrate their cultures demise as an act of contrition.
“Replaced by what?” A rational person might ask.
But there are too few rational people left, so the question remains unspoken. Meaning, no answer is necessary.
Mark Magula