Fidel's Utopia
Fidel's Utopia
If I had a buck for every time I heard someone say “Yea, but at least, Fidel Castro gave his people free healthcare and education,” I could probably buy a decent dinner at a middling restaurant. Not a new car. Or, a boat. I wouldn’t have a million dollars. I’d have dinner, which is way more than I should have. But dumb dies hard, and hangs around like an uninvited guest, who should’ve never been there to begin with.
You’d think that maybe, people would pay attention to the fact that during Castro’s 50 year strangle hold on Cuba, he imprisoned anyone who complained, shot anyone who wanted to leave, and shot anyone who showed up unannounced. That maybe, this would cause them to think again. But, I’m being redundant, since, it’s pretty unlikely they thought much about it the first time, let alone a second.
You’d also think, that maybe, the fact that people couldn’t vote Castro out of power, was a bit troubling. But not to leftists, progressives, and increasingly, elites within the Democratic party, who viewed/view Castro’s way, as a viable alternative to Americanism, which they see as racist.
Remember when President Obama praised Fidel and Cuba for their socialized medicine? Or, Fidel’s commitment to Cuba’s pristine environment. Even though, the only reason it was pristine is, there was no investment. No development. Few jobs. A wide swath of institutional poverty that impacted all Cubans, except the connected few. Meaning, those connected to Fidel.
No one invests in an economy for which profit is a dirty word, as it is, increasingly, among progressives and younger Democrats. Unfortunately, even the old-school Democrats tend to be on board with massive accumulations of governmental power, as long as Democrats are in control. You have to be a particular kind of stupid to buy that. I mean, eventually, the power will shift, and then, those same Democrats will be stuck with the opposition having all the power.
This, however, never enters into their heads, apparently, until after the fact, which is exactly why politics is basically a ground war, where seemingly small skirmishes create an opening for more control of an ever expanding base of territory. Meaning; more power for government, and less freedom for citizens. Once that happens, we all end up in Fidel’s wonderland of poverty, complete lack of freedom, and costly, very costly healthcare, paid for by more taxes and higher regulation, and all that this implies.
Of course, this never actually applied to Fidel’s healthcare, anymore than Obama and Congress lived by their own takeover of American healthcare. Did anyone rationally expect to be otherwise?
I seems that might be the problem.
Mark Magula
If I had a buck for every time I heard someone say “Yea, but at least, Fidel Castro gave his people free healthcare and education,” I could probably buy a decent dinner at a middling restaurant. Not a new car. Or, a boat. I wouldn’t have a million dollars. I’d have dinner, which is way more than I should have. But dumb dies hard, and hangs around like an uninvited guest, who should’ve never been there to begin with.
You’d think that maybe, people would pay attention to the fact that during Castro’s 50 year strangle hold on Cuba, he imprisoned anyone who complained, shot anyone who wanted to leave, and shot anyone who showed up unannounced. That maybe, this would cause them to think again. But, I’m being redundant, since, it’s pretty unlikely they thought much about it the first time, let alone a second.
You’d also think, that maybe, the fact that people couldn’t vote Castro out of power, was a bit troubling. But not to leftists, progressives, and increasingly, elites within the Democratic party, who viewed/view Castro’s way, as a viable alternative to Americanism, which they see as racist.
Remember when President Obama praised Fidel and Cuba for their socialized medicine? Or, Fidel’s commitment to Cuba’s pristine environment. Even though, the only reason it was pristine is, there was no investment. No development. Few jobs. A wide swath of institutional poverty that impacted all Cubans, except the connected few. Meaning, those connected to Fidel.
No one invests in an economy for which profit is a dirty word, as it is, increasingly, among progressives and younger Democrats. Unfortunately, even the old-school Democrats tend to be on board with massive accumulations of governmental power, as long as Democrats are in control. You have to be a particular kind of stupid to buy that. I mean, eventually, the power will shift, and then, those same Democrats will be stuck with the opposition having all the power.
This, however, never enters into their heads, apparently, until after the fact, which is exactly why politics is basically a ground war, where seemingly small skirmishes create an opening for more control of an ever expanding base of territory. Meaning; more power for government, and less freedom for citizens. Once that happens, we all end up in Fidel’s wonderland of poverty, complete lack of freedom, and costly, very costly healthcare, paid for by more taxes and higher regulation, and all that this implies.
Of course, this never actually applied to Fidel’s healthcare, anymore than Obama and Congress lived by their own takeover of American healthcare. Did anyone rationally expect to be otherwise?
I seems that might be the problem.
Mark Magula