“Even More Reasons Why The Paris Accords are Total Horseshit.”
“Even More Reasons Why The Paris Accords are Total Horseshit.”
For decades now, we've been told the sky is falling. Or, it soon will, if we don’t radically alter our behavior. Biblical style prophecies of wars and rumors of wars, deadly storms, with floods of Noah-like proportions, were, and still are predicted. If they fail to come to pass, no problem, just push the time-line back a bit, and start again.
This reminds me of a church I used to attend 30 some years ago. The pastor, a well know figure, had been given a prophecy by another well known pastor, about the worldwide ministry that was inevitable for our church, and in particular, our churches pastor. When the time for fulfillment came and went, the prophesy was still clung to as true, only the date given was said to be wrong. When the date passed again, and again, the prophecy was eventually forgotten.
“Forgetfulness can heal all wounds, especially for false prophets. But in politics, willful amnesia is a way of life.”
In biblical times, if a prophet consistently got it wrong, they’d be stoned to death. The reason why, was simple; if the prophet said you will have a great victory against an enemy, leading to war, and your tribe was slaughtered instead, the price for being wrong was steep. Prophets were not primarily men or woman who could mystically predict the future. They were wise individuals who could read the signs of the times, like a knowledgeable farmer knowing when to plant and when to harvest. Today, the prophetic utterances of false prophets can be even more deadly, with long range ramifications.
Here are a few climate predictions that were not merely wrong, but were completely wrong. They were, nonetheless, heralded in television, film and newspapers with dire proclamations about eminent global extinction. Some, still are.
1. “Hurricane Katrina was caused by global warming.” In reality, Hurricane Katrina and its horrific devastation, was the result of politics. The city mismanaged funds, leaving the levees broke and crumbling, in spite of numerous warnings. All that was necessary was a bad enough hurricane. But global warming makes a helluva scapegoat. That way, politicians can keep their jobs, while deflecting guilt elsewhere. And, if people die—as they did—oh well. We’ll try and do better next time.
2. “Polar bears are dying.” A picture is worth a thousand words, which was the case with a single polar bear swimming in a vast sea, with no land in sight. The person who took the picture, later said the polar bear was in no distress, but was simply swimming—as they’re prone to do—towards another ice flow. The image captured only a bear in water, leaving the existing ice out of the images frame. Even so, politicians swung into action and declared polar bears a threatened species, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. The media, who salivate over a big, marketable story, used the picture as symbol of man’s hubris. Which it was, the hubris of politicians and the media’s willingness to manipulate the public consciousness, to serve their interests.
3. “The polar ice is melting.” The polar ice is thicker today than in decades. This is explained by climate scientists arguing that the ice has increased only near the surface. This was the result of excessive snow, which was blamed on climate change. “If not for climate change, snow should be receding, according to our dire predictions, thus proving climate change!” This lead scientists to say “How the hell do we predict the weather, if the weather won’t cooperate with our predictions, which proves we’re right.”
4. “The Sahara desert is drying up.” Except it isn’t. Satellite images show increased flora and fauna. The slight increase in Co2 appears to be acting as a fertilizer. I assume this will eventually lead to claims we’ll be swimming in dung, if we don’t act now and control human behavior.
5. “2013 was the warmest year ever.” Admittedly, it might have been 2012 or 2014, that was alleged to be the warmest ever. Anyway. When the data was broken down, it was based on a 1/200th of a single degree rise in temperature. An amount so microscopic as to defy any rational margin of error. This was especially true, when you consider how the earth’s temperature is monitored from devices all over the world, then correlated to arrive at an average. This compelled newspaper to literally rejoice because it proved global warming. Is this grasping at straws? Not only is it grasping at straws, it’s grasping the sub-atomic particles attached to straws. The media love global warming because it’s the world’s biggest story. Politicians love it because a good catastrophe can be the basis for ramming through laws that benefit politicians and their benefactors. Namely, big donors like T. Boone Pickens, the oil magnate, who’s hoping to capitalize on windmills, and similar, other, ruthless cronies.
6. “There is a 97% scientific consensus that global warming is real!” This is a big one. This consensus is based on a survey, not a scientific study, sent out to approximately 7000 scientist in climate related fields, asking a variety of broadly generalized questions. “Is the earth warming?” for instance. The answer is “Yes,” it is warming. About this, no one disagrees. The temperature has warmed 1 degree Celsius, over the past hundred years, but hasn’t warmed at all over the past two decades. The world also recently came out of what scientists refers to as a “Little ice age.” A period between the 16th and 19th centuries, when weather was cooler, globally. Another question asked, by the survey; “Could it be the result of human activity?” Again, yes, is the obvious answer. That doesn’t mean that humans are responsible, only that they could be a factor. Any other answer would’ve assumed a conclusion absent evidence. However, saying something might be, is very different than saying you’ve found the cause. The researchers then narrowed the study down to a much smaller scientific sampling and used that as the basis for what has become, the “97%” consensus figure. Only about half of the tens of thousands of scientists in climate related fields agree with the idea that climate change is man made. In other words, the 97% figure is essentially, a serious manipulation of data. That the survey is quoted as de-facto proof—almost like an acolyte referring to a religious text—indicates the shallowness of it all.
The projected costs of imposing strict standards on 1st world nations only, which is what’s happening, is a way of transferring wealth from the 1st world, to the 2nd and 3rd worlds. Paid for by the American taxpayer, in the form of higher taxes and costs on everything produced or consumed. No other form of energy is close to being as efficient as fossil fuels, which are cheap and abundant. Solar power can’t survive without subsidies, paid for by Americans. If it could, no subsidy would be needed. Neither can it begin to do the work of fossil fuels.
Furthermore, if the dire predictions made by climate alarmists are even close to being true, giving a pass to India and China, the most populous nations on earth, as they grow in industrial output, renders our actions meaningless.
Finally, the totality of all human carbon output is a fraction of 1%, of the earth’s natural carbon output. And, the notion that the 0.2% increase in temperature, which is predicted to occur over the next hundred years, will destroy the 4 billion year old earth that has survived very literal, catastrophic changes, smacks of religious hysteria, not rational thought. I could go on, and on, but won’t, except to say;
Grow up America. Grow the hell up.
Sherlock Homes
For decades now, we've been told the sky is falling. Or, it soon will, if we don’t radically alter our behavior. Biblical style prophecies of wars and rumors of wars, deadly storms, with floods of Noah-like proportions, were, and still are predicted. If they fail to come to pass, no problem, just push the time-line back a bit, and start again.
This reminds me of a church I used to attend 30 some years ago. The pastor, a well know figure, had been given a prophecy by another well known pastor, about the worldwide ministry that was inevitable for our church, and in particular, our churches pastor. When the time for fulfillment came and went, the prophesy was still clung to as true, only the date given was said to be wrong. When the date passed again, and again, the prophecy was eventually forgotten.
“Forgetfulness can heal all wounds, especially for false prophets. But in politics, willful amnesia is a way of life.”
In biblical times, if a prophet consistently got it wrong, they’d be stoned to death. The reason why, was simple; if the prophet said you will have a great victory against an enemy, leading to war, and your tribe was slaughtered instead, the price for being wrong was steep. Prophets were not primarily men or woman who could mystically predict the future. They were wise individuals who could read the signs of the times, like a knowledgeable farmer knowing when to plant and when to harvest. Today, the prophetic utterances of false prophets can be even more deadly, with long range ramifications.
Here are a few climate predictions that were not merely wrong, but were completely wrong. They were, nonetheless, heralded in television, film and newspapers with dire proclamations about eminent global extinction. Some, still are.
1. “Hurricane Katrina was caused by global warming.” In reality, Hurricane Katrina and its horrific devastation, was the result of politics. The city mismanaged funds, leaving the levees broke and crumbling, in spite of numerous warnings. All that was necessary was a bad enough hurricane. But global warming makes a helluva scapegoat. That way, politicians can keep their jobs, while deflecting guilt elsewhere. And, if people die—as they did—oh well. We’ll try and do better next time.
2. “Polar bears are dying.” A picture is worth a thousand words, which was the case with a single polar bear swimming in a vast sea, with no land in sight. The person who took the picture, later said the polar bear was in no distress, but was simply swimming—as they’re prone to do—towards another ice flow. The image captured only a bear in water, leaving the existing ice out of the images frame. Even so, politicians swung into action and declared polar bears a threatened species, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. The media, who salivate over a big, marketable story, used the picture as symbol of man’s hubris. Which it was, the hubris of politicians and the media’s willingness to manipulate the public consciousness, to serve their interests.
3. “The polar ice is melting.” The polar ice is thicker today than in decades. This is explained by climate scientists arguing that the ice has increased only near the surface. This was the result of excessive snow, which was blamed on climate change. “If not for climate change, snow should be receding, according to our dire predictions, thus proving climate change!” This lead scientists to say “How the hell do we predict the weather, if the weather won’t cooperate with our predictions, which proves we’re right.”
4. “The Sahara desert is drying up.” Except it isn’t. Satellite images show increased flora and fauna. The slight increase in Co2 appears to be acting as a fertilizer. I assume this will eventually lead to claims we’ll be swimming in dung, if we don’t act now and control human behavior.
5. “2013 was the warmest year ever.” Admittedly, it might have been 2012 or 2014, that was alleged to be the warmest ever. Anyway. When the data was broken down, it was based on a 1/200th of a single degree rise in temperature. An amount so microscopic as to defy any rational margin of error. This was especially true, when you consider how the earth’s temperature is monitored from devices all over the world, then correlated to arrive at an average. This compelled newspaper to literally rejoice because it proved global warming. Is this grasping at straws? Not only is it grasping at straws, it’s grasping the sub-atomic particles attached to straws. The media love global warming because it’s the world’s biggest story. Politicians love it because a good catastrophe can be the basis for ramming through laws that benefit politicians and their benefactors. Namely, big donors like T. Boone Pickens, the oil magnate, who’s hoping to capitalize on windmills, and similar, other, ruthless cronies.
6. “There is a 97% scientific consensus that global warming is real!” This is a big one. This consensus is based on a survey, not a scientific study, sent out to approximately 7000 scientist in climate related fields, asking a variety of broadly generalized questions. “Is the earth warming?” for instance. The answer is “Yes,” it is warming. About this, no one disagrees. The temperature has warmed 1 degree Celsius, over the past hundred years, but hasn’t warmed at all over the past two decades. The world also recently came out of what scientists refers to as a “Little ice age.” A period between the 16th and 19th centuries, when weather was cooler, globally. Another question asked, by the survey; “Could it be the result of human activity?” Again, yes, is the obvious answer. That doesn’t mean that humans are responsible, only that they could be a factor. Any other answer would’ve assumed a conclusion absent evidence. However, saying something might be, is very different than saying you’ve found the cause. The researchers then narrowed the study down to a much smaller scientific sampling and used that as the basis for what has become, the “97%” consensus figure. Only about half of the tens of thousands of scientists in climate related fields agree with the idea that climate change is man made. In other words, the 97% figure is essentially, a serious manipulation of data. That the survey is quoted as de-facto proof—almost like an acolyte referring to a religious text—indicates the shallowness of it all.
The projected costs of imposing strict standards on 1st world nations only, which is what’s happening, is a way of transferring wealth from the 1st world, to the 2nd and 3rd worlds. Paid for by the American taxpayer, in the form of higher taxes and costs on everything produced or consumed. No other form of energy is close to being as efficient as fossil fuels, which are cheap and abundant. Solar power can’t survive without subsidies, paid for by Americans. If it could, no subsidy would be needed. Neither can it begin to do the work of fossil fuels.
Furthermore, if the dire predictions made by climate alarmists are even close to being true, giving a pass to India and China, the most populous nations on earth, as they grow in industrial output, renders our actions meaningless.
Finally, the totality of all human carbon output is a fraction of 1%, of the earth’s natural carbon output. And, the notion that the 0.2% increase in temperature, which is predicted to occur over the next hundred years, will destroy the 4 billion year old earth that has survived very literal, catastrophic changes, smacks of religious hysteria, not rational thought. I could go on, and on, but won’t, except to say;
Grow up America. Grow the hell up.
Sherlock Homes