ESPN, Liberals, Hypocrites
ESPN, Liberals, Hypocrites
Apparently, at ESPN it’s okay to curse Jesus—but don’t you dare even make a metaphorical analogy linking Obama to Hitler. The first might get you a one week paid vacation; the second will get you fired. Based upon this analysis is it fair to say that ESPN has no respect for the God of most Americans, and that in fact, the one that ESPN worships is Barrack Hussein Obama?
In case you missed it, Hank Williams, Jr. and ESPN “parted ways” this week over Williams’ innocuous comment that Obama playing golf with Boehner was like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu. He didn’t even say Obama was Hitler or was even like Hitler, he just said the two of them playing golf together would be like Hitler playing golf with the Prime Minister of Israel. But apparently at ESPN that is enough provocation to “part ways,” while cursing Jesus is not.
I am referring to an episode buried, ignored, and forgotten by ESPN in which on-screen personality Dana Jacobson, drunk and out of control at a roast for fellow employees Mike & Mike, infamously said, “F--k Notre Dame, F--k Touchdown Jesus, F--k Jesus.” If not for a public outcry once her outrageous, blasphemous, drunken curse was found out, it is likely ESPN would’ve done nothing at all.
Today Jacobson is still employed by ESPN, and Hank Williams, Jr. has been sacked. And this after years and years of liberal and Leftist entertainers and politicians said far, far worse things about President Bush on a daily basis, with no repercussions. In fact, I have heard that Nancy Pelosi, the Botox Queen herself, once compared President Bush to Hitler. But Obama is the Anointed One to the Left, so no blasphemy is permitted against him from any source. Jesus is fair game, but Obama is out of bounds.
To the liberal hypocrites in charge at ESPN it is totally okay to blaspheme the Son of God, but not to even allude in a roundabout way to an unfavorable comparison involving Obama. They, like all liberals, are the biggest hypocrites in the history of the universe. In their insane view of the world, a liberal can say or do anything he or she wants, not only without repercussion, but often with praise; whereas, if a conservative or Christian would even dare to do or say a tenth of the exact same thing the liberal said or did, they would be excoriated and crucified in the Leftist-controlled media.
I imagine if Jacobson, or anyone for that matter, had said “F--k Allah” or “F--k Mohammed” instead of “F--k Jesus,” he or she would instantly find themselves on the unemployment line, but if they refer to the Christian god it is okay.
On the day that ESPN announced that they were merely suspending Jacobson for a week, I lost all respect whatsoever (what little bit there was to begin with) for the network. After the severe mishandling of the Williams episode, they’ve lost whatever respect was left, if there was any, and have earned only everlasting contempt.
Over the years, as I have seen the so-called Main Stream Media taken over by liberals and the Left and devolve farther and farther to the Left, the one refuge I found was the Sports section, where all that mattered was scores and stats, there was no tainting by politics. Now even that last bastion has been breached and the poison that is liberalism, in the form of bias and political correctness, has conquered my last safe refuge by its insidious, relentless advance in its campaign to conquer and transform America. It is bad enough that the Left has already taken over every other form of entertainment for Americans; do they have to ruin my sports as well? It is sad.
Jeff Vanderslice
Apparently, at ESPN it’s okay to curse Jesus—but don’t you dare even make a metaphorical analogy linking Obama to Hitler. The first might get you a one week paid vacation; the second will get you fired. Based upon this analysis is it fair to say that ESPN has no respect for the God of most Americans, and that in fact, the one that ESPN worships is Barrack Hussein Obama?
In case you missed it, Hank Williams, Jr. and ESPN “parted ways” this week over Williams’ innocuous comment that Obama playing golf with Boehner was like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu. He didn’t even say Obama was Hitler or was even like Hitler, he just said the two of them playing golf together would be like Hitler playing golf with the Prime Minister of Israel. But apparently at ESPN that is enough provocation to “part ways,” while cursing Jesus is not.
I am referring to an episode buried, ignored, and forgotten by ESPN in which on-screen personality Dana Jacobson, drunk and out of control at a roast for fellow employees Mike & Mike, infamously said, “F--k Notre Dame, F--k Touchdown Jesus, F--k Jesus.” If not for a public outcry once her outrageous, blasphemous, drunken curse was found out, it is likely ESPN would’ve done nothing at all.
Today Jacobson is still employed by ESPN, and Hank Williams, Jr. has been sacked. And this after years and years of liberal and Leftist entertainers and politicians said far, far worse things about President Bush on a daily basis, with no repercussions. In fact, I have heard that Nancy Pelosi, the Botox Queen herself, once compared President Bush to Hitler. But Obama is the Anointed One to the Left, so no blasphemy is permitted against him from any source. Jesus is fair game, but Obama is out of bounds.
To the liberal hypocrites in charge at ESPN it is totally okay to blaspheme the Son of God, but not to even allude in a roundabout way to an unfavorable comparison involving Obama. They, like all liberals, are the biggest hypocrites in the history of the universe. In their insane view of the world, a liberal can say or do anything he or she wants, not only without repercussion, but often with praise; whereas, if a conservative or Christian would even dare to do or say a tenth of the exact same thing the liberal said or did, they would be excoriated and crucified in the Leftist-controlled media.
I imagine if Jacobson, or anyone for that matter, had said “F--k Allah” or “F--k Mohammed” instead of “F--k Jesus,” he or she would instantly find themselves on the unemployment line, but if they refer to the Christian god it is okay.
On the day that ESPN announced that they were merely suspending Jacobson for a week, I lost all respect whatsoever (what little bit there was to begin with) for the network. After the severe mishandling of the Williams episode, they’ve lost whatever respect was left, if there was any, and have earned only everlasting contempt.
Over the years, as I have seen the so-called Main Stream Media taken over by liberals and the Left and devolve farther and farther to the Left, the one refuge I found was the Sports section, where all that mattered was scores and stats, there was no tainting by politics. Now even that last bastion has been breached and the poison that is liberalism, in the form of bias and political correctness, has conquered my last safe refuge by its insidious, relentless advance in its campaign to conquer and transform America. It is bad enough that the Left has already taken over every other form of entertainment for Americans; do they have to ruin my sports as well? It is sad.
Jeff Vanderslice