Does an Idiot Know They're an Idiot?
An idiot never knows they’re an idiot. Would you expect it to be otherwise? I don’t think so. The reason is simple, they’re idiots. An idiot lacks the wherewithal to challenge their own idiocy. Of course, not all idiots are idiots by birth or by nature. Some choose idiocy because they find it empowering.
Just who would willfully engage in idiocy? Lots of folks, that’s who. Here are a few examples:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Ok’d the selling of uranium to the Russians, after the Russians gave piles of money to The Clinton Foundation. Was there a connection? An idiot would say no. A rational person would, at least, be skeptical. I mean, The Clinton Foundation was a charity, so maybe the Russians were being charitable. Like most charities, though, only a modest amount of those charitable donations have to be used for actual, charitable purposes, especially if you can claim big expenses, like massive salaries for Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton.
Furthermore, what were those dastardly Russians going to use that uranium for? “Not for developing nuclear bombs, I bet.” That last sentence is something that an idiot might say. I mean, when the Clintons left the presidency, back in 2000, they left broke, according to Hillary Clinton. But, somehow, managed to earn a quarter of a billion dollars of personal wealth, after leaving office. Did any of the tens of millions of dollars, which were donated to The Clinton Foundation, by some of the worst terrorist countries on earth, find its way into the Clinton’s pockets? That money certainly found its way into Hillary’s campaign coffers. That much is beyond doubt. A rational person would probably answer “Yes” to these questions. Or, at least, maybe? But not an idiot. An idiot will never see the obvious, no matter how blatant the evidence is. They will always strain at gnats while swallowing camels, in an effort to get their beliefs to align with reality.
Fast-forward a few years and the media has descended into madness about president Trump, drawing inferences from inferences, while speculating wildly about Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin. Someone at The New York Times quotes an unnamed source, which then is requoted by The Washington Post and CNN, who proceed to pass on discredited Intel offered by the opposition, and “Voila,” we have a scandal the size of Watergate, manufactured out of whole cloth.
Here’s a simple question; if Russia is so damned dangerous, why the hell were we selling them the materials needed to grow their collection of nuclear weapons, which would then presumably be aimed at America? An idiot will shrug and then draw a picture of Trump and Putin spooning as lovers, which is precisely what’s happening.
This is a very short introduction into the mind of idiots. If you want more reading on the subject, just look at any typical headline and then test what’s being said against the actual evidence. That will take time, of course. So, I have little hope that people will pound their Twitter feeds into plowshares before doing so. Certainly not the idiots. But maybe, just maybe, the rest of normal America will take the time. Here’s hoping.
Sincerely - Claude Hopper
Just who would willfully engage in idiocy? Lots of folks, that’s who. Here are a few examples:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Ok’d the selling of uranium to the Russians, after the Russians gave piles of money to The Clinton Foundation. Was there a connection? An idiot would say no. A rational person would, at least, be skeptical. I mean, The Clinton Foundation was a charity, so maybe the Russians were being charitable. Like most charities, though, only a modest amount of those charitable donations have to be used for actual, charitable purposes, especially if you can claim big expenses, like massive salaries for Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton.
Furthermore, what were those dastardly Russians going to use that uranium for? “Not for developing nuclear bombs, I bet.” That last sentence is something that an idiot might say. I mean, when the Clintons left the presidency, back in 2000, they left broke, according to Hillary Clinton. But, somehow, managed to earn a quarter of a billion dollars of personal wealth, after leaving office. Did any of the tens of millions of dollars, which were donated to The Clinton Foundation, by some of the worst terrorist countries on earth, find its way into the Clinton’s pockets? That money certainly found its way into Hillary’s campaign coffers. That much is beyond doubt. A rational person would probably answer “Yes” to these questions. Or, at least, maybe? But not an idiot. An idiot will never see the obvious, no matter how blatant the evidence is. They will always strain at gnats while swallowing camels, in an effort to get their beliefs to align with reality.
Fast-forward a few years and the media has descended into madness about president Trump, drawing inferences from inferences, while speculating wildly about Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin. Someone at The New York Times quotes an unnamed source, which then is requoted by The Washington Post and CNN, who proceed to pass on discredited Intel offered by the opposition, and “Voila,” we have a scandal the size of Watergate, manufactured out of whole cloth.
Here’s a simple question; if Russia is so damned dangerous, why the hell were we selling them the materials needed to grow their collection of nuclear weapons, which would then presumably be aimed at America? An idiot will shrug and then draw a picture of Trump and Putin spooning as lovers, which is precisely what’s happening.
This is a very short introduction into the mind of idiots. If you want more reading on the subject, just look at any typical headline and then test what’s being said against the actual evidence. That will take time, of course. So, I have little hope that people will pound their Twitter feeds into plowshares before doing so. Certainly not the idiots. But maybe, just maybe, the rest of normal America will take the time. Here’s hoping.
Sincerely - Claude Hopper