All Apologies
"Another 79 dead and 131 wounded in an explosion last night in Baghdad. ISIS claimed responsibility. President Obama has done little or nothing to stop the growth of terror around the world., even as he claims victory against ISIS. Unfortunately, the CIA and the FBI state otherwise. But, the media run interference for Obama who is radical Islam's great apologist, while progressives act as Obama's apologist, in return. All apologies to everyone, I guess, except the growing list of victims, who suffer as the result."
A couple of times a week, Islamic terrorists commit heinous acts of mass murder somewhere in the world. It’s gotten to be so frequent that the media more or less ignore any event that doesn’t include Americans or Europeans. It’s not easy to claim that Islam is a religion of peace when they’re setting fire to little girls and beheading children on a regular basis. So, they push the story back to page 4, following the ads for car dealers and the new mall in town. If they get caught playing this game of hide and seek with a recent mass killing, they quickly blame Americans for being disinterested, because Americans are apparently only interested when its Americans being slaughtered. In other words, it’s a shell game, move the pieces around the board like a street hustler and hope nobody sees where the hidden object is. In this case, the hidden object is the media’s overtly pro-Islam, anti-American bias.
If a big attack happens, one that can’t be ignored, the president quickly hits the airwaves to warn the American people not to jump to conclusions, solely based on the fact that the individuals involved were sighting passages of the Koran while opening fire on Kindergarten in some god-forsaken Muslim controlled hell-hole while shouting Allah Akbar.
“It could have been a group of pissed off Lutherans, for all we know.” The president says. “Remember” He continues, “Back in the year 1023 A.D., during the crusades, Christians weren’t all that nice either. We need to make sure we don’t blame all Muslims for what a meager quarter of a billion or so do.” And then he returns to blaming pretty much all of Christianity for the behavior of what were substanially mercenaries living a thousand years ago. Who, by the way, happened to be fighting to free the Holy Land from Muslim invaders.
This causes the American people to immediately split off into factions. One group, the one that supports the president, simply restates the president's arguments, backed up by a blog post found somewhere online by a semi-famous Lesbian porn goddess.
The other group argues that this is part of a much larger pattern of radical Islamic terrorism and needs to be dealt with militarily.
The first group responds to this message, that we should do something about radical Islam, with cries of racism, and begins singing “We Shall Overcome” aided by billionaire celebrities and folk singers from the sixties like Joan Baez, who, even at 80, can unleash her jack-hammer falsetto on an audience until their ears bleed, just like at Woodstock 69.
Both sides are deeply convicted. The first by their own version of events as stated by a popular 22-year-old feminist at The Huff Po, who only recently got her first apartment. And the other, by a variety of aging experts on the Middle East with high-level military backgrounds. For the media at large, this is clearly a tie regarding which group is better informed. After all, a lot can be gleaned about global politics once you’ve had to move out your parent’s basement and get your own apartment.
And, so it goes. Once the debate has raged on for a day or two, people forget and go about their business, morally preening as they do, knowing full and well that they, unlike the other people, actually care. Isn’t their IPod and IPhone filled with songs about fighting the power? Don’t they have a beret just like Che Guevara, that really cute, murderous, socialist sociopath? But he’s only that if you listen to old people and conservatives. You probably have to ignore libertarians and historians too. But, that’s not so hard to do.
And then, it’s gone. One more atrocity ignored, with the result being that many more will surely follow. But hey, there are opportunities to be had. New chances to show just how open minded you are. New ways to show you care as you step over the bodies of the dead thinking to yourself, “Boy, I bet I look good, strolling among the corpses. How about a selfie? Yeah, that’ll show them.”
Mark Magula