Thomas, Paul and Al - Malthusians Then and Now
Not so long ago Europeans bought into the idea that reproducing and having large families was bad. It was bad because we were running out of land. Not just Europeans, mind you, but the whole bunch of us. This also meant that basic resources like water and sustainable things such as food to support life were growing increasingly scarce. So, Europeans being damned sophisticated said, "Hey, why not. Kids are a pain anyway and they cost money that could better be spent on ourselves." This idea was taught to them by a wicked group of well-connected, but little-known people called, "Malthusians."
Malthusians were the intellectual descendants of Thomas Malthus, an old-time, historical dude who thought that humans were only seconds away from running short of everything. So, they'd better start preparing by making sure that the "Right" people would survive and not the "Wrong" ones, (if you know what I mean.) This was a mere 220 years ago, so, he wasn't exactly on target. But, like all prophets, given enough time, his followers knew that he would be proven right. So, they waited.
Eventually, a new prophet arose from the ashes claiming that Malthus was right-on, except for that time thing, but, past that, he was as right as rain, which, neither he or his followers could predict with any accuracy. That, however, was just a technicality. This was about 1970 and the prophet's name, was Paul Ehrlich. Ehrlich made similar prophecies, based on what was alleged to be science, claiming that worldwide floods, catastrophic starvation, hurricanes and tornadoes were eminent, all because of overpopulation, you see. Sure, it was an old song, but it still sounded good to the Malthusians and their progeny. He even wrote a best seller that scared the hell out of people everywhere called “The Population Bomb.” This, of course, was his intent. According to Ehrlich, like Thomas Malthus before him, the end was nigh—and nigh was apparently just around the corner.
"Holy Toledo!" his students, thought. We better get to preaching the “Gospel according to Ehrlich!” This was especially true of one of his greatest disciples, whose name was Al Gore. Al, being ambitious, immediately got on the stick and began to preach to anybody who would listen. For his efforts, he was rewarded by his followers with the Vice presidency. And, as if that wasn't enough, tremendous wealth. I mean, really, really, tremendous amounts of wealth, which he then used to fly around polluting the atmosphere while preaching the good news of poverty for everyone else.
Now, what does this have to do with Europeans not reproducing? That should be obvious. Here's the real kicker, though. Another group of wicked folks who were also acolytes of Thomas Malthus, by way of Paul Ehrlich, said, “That maybe, just maybe Europeans should import a lot of Muslims.” Why? Because Europeans were having so few kids that they weren’t even reproducing their own populations. And, you can't very well have a boat load of social welfare programs unless you have a younger generation to foot the bill. You might think this would've been viewed as circular reasoning. But, it's only circular reasoning if you look at it that way. If you look at it differently, however, it's called, “MULTICULTURALISM.” And that, my friends, is how Europeans got, where they got. It's also why Muslims will be the dominant population in Europe in little more than a generation or two.
You see, the benefit of circular reasoning is remarkably simple, you never have to admit your wrong, even if it means the death of you. If this all sounds familiar, it should. It's the same old religion, only with a new coat of paint, making it as good as new--and, in a mere blink of an eye, it will be making its way to a town near you.
Mark Magula
Malthusians were the intellectual descendants of Thomas Malthus, an old-time, historical dude who thought that humans were only seconds away from running short of everything. So, they'd better start preparing by making sure that the "Right" people would survive and not the "Wrong" ones, (if you know what I mean.) This was a mere 220 years ago, so, he wasn't exactly on target. But, like all prophets, given enough time, his followers knew that he would be proven right. So, they waited.
Eventually, a new prophet arose from the ashes claiming that Malthus was right-on, except for that time thing, but, past that, he was as right as rain, which, neither he or his followers could predict with any accuracy. That, however, was just a technicality. This was about 1970 and the prophet's name, was Paul Ehrlich. Ehrlich made similar prophecies, based on what was alleged to be science, claiming that worldwide floods, catastrophic starvation, hurricanes and tornadoes were eminent, all because of overpopulation, you see. Sure, it was an old song, but it still sounded good to the Malthusians and their progeny. He even wrote a best seller that scared the hell out of people everywhere called “The Population Bomb.” This, of course, was his intent. According to Ehrlich, like Thomas Malthus before him, the end was nigh—and nigh was apparently just around the corner.
"Holy Toledo!" his students, thought. We better get to preaching the “Gospel according to Ehrlich!” This was especially true of one of his greatest disciples, whose name was Al Gore. Al, being ambitious, immediately got on the stick and began to preach to anybody who would listen. For his efforts, he was rewarded by his followers with the Vice presidency. And, as if that wasn't enough, tremendous wealth. I mean, really, really, tremendous amounts of wealth, which he then used to fly around polluting the atmosphere while preaching the good news of poverty for everyone else.
Now, what does this have to do with Europeans not reproducing? That should be obvious. Here's the real kicker, though. Another group of wicked folks who were also acolytes of Thomas Malthus, by way of Paul Ehrlich, said, “That maybe, just maybe Europeans should import a lot of Muslims.” Why? Because Europeans were having so few kids that they weren’t even reproducing their own populations. And, you can't very well have a boat load of social welfare programs unless you have a younger generation to foot the bill. You might think this would've been viewed as circular reasoning. But, it's only circular reasoning if you look at it that way. If you look at it differently, however, it's called, “MULTICULTURALISM.” And that, my friends, is how Europeans got, where they got. It's also why Muslims will be the dominant population in Europe in little more than a generation or two.
You see, the benefit of circular reasoning is remarkably simple, you never have to admit your wrong, even if it means the death of you. If this all sounds familiar, it should. It's the same old religion, only with a new coat of paint, making it as good as new--and, in a mere blink of an eye, it will be making its way to a town near you.
Mark Magula