A Plea from a Progressive
A Plea from a Progressive:
I’m a liberal, and I’m tired of hearing the old trope that today’s Democrat party and the Democrat party of the post-Civil War world are one and the same. They are not the same. I am not Bull Connor or George Wallace. I am a Lyndon Johnson Democrat.
Sure, fewer Democrats supported Brown vs Board of Education or voted for the civil rights acts of 1964 and 1965 than their Republican counterparts, but then they switched. It must’ve been some kind of brain transference, or something. Maybe it was the Russians. Yeah. The Russians. That sounds about right.
Me, I voted for civil rights for all, even though I wasn’t born yet. Had I been born, I would’ve voted appropriately. Hindsight is pretty handy in such situations. I mean, just tell me what the new disenfranchised group is, and I’ll vote accordingly. That’s how un-prejudiced I am. I mean, turn everybody into a minority and I’ll support that too. Because bigotry must be met wherever it raises its ugly head and struck down, for the good of all. And, if it requires an all-powerful government, which completely subverts the rights of every living American, I’m happy to vote for it, as long as everyone’s rights are equally subverted, then it’s Ok.
Hate must not win. How can anybody disagree with something so obvious? So I’m advocating for a new bill in Congress (or whoever makes the laws) to stop hate. If this seems vague, it’s only because an all-powerful government needs plenty of latitude to help all of its citizens be free from hate. And, if some dumb conservative asks “Who will protect us from an all-powerful government?” I’ll just laugh and say “Didn’t you hear me, I said Democrats will be given all the power, and Democrats can’t be bigoted or evil, because they’re Democrats.” And then we’ll have a good laugh at those stupid Republicans for believing that government can be tyrannical. "Ha!" Show me where that’s happened? I never read it in the New York Times.
Well, I’m pretty sure I covered all the bases. Now stop being stupid, you Republicans, and give up your rights so everyone can be equally without rights. Because everyone knows that equality is good.
Sincerely - The Progressive
I’m a liberal, and I’m tired of hearing the old trope that today’s Democrat party and the Democrat party of the post-Civil War world are one and the same. They are not the same. I am not Bull Connor or George Wallace. I am a Lyndon Johnson Democrat.
Sure, fewer Democrats supported Brown vs Board of Education or voted for the civil rights acts of 1964 and 1965 than their Republican counterparts, but then they switched. It must’ve been some kind of brain transference, or something. Maybe it was the Russians. Yeah. The Russians. That sounds about right.
Me, I voted for civil rights for all, even though I wasn’t born yet. Had I been born, I would’ve voted appropriately. Hindsight is pretty handy in such situations. I mean, just tell me what the new disenfranchised group is, and I’ll vote accordingly. That’s how un-prejudiced I am. I mean, turn everybody into a minority and I’ll support that too. Because bigotry must be met wherever it raises its ugly head and struck down, for the good of all. And, if it requires an all-powerful government, which completely subverts the rights of every living American, I’m happy to vote for it, as long as everyone’s rights are equally subverted, then it’s Ok.
Hate must not win. How can anybody disagree with something so obvious? So I’m advocating for a new bill in Congress (or whoever makes the laws) to stop hate. If this seems vague, it’s only because an all-powerful government needs plenty of latitude to help all of its citizens be free from hate. And, if some dumb conservative asks “Who will protect us from an all-powerful government?” I’ll just laugh and say “Didn’t you hear me, I said Democrats will be given all the power, and Democrats can’t be bigoted or evil, because they’re Democrats.” And then we’ll have a good laugh at those stupid Republicans for believing that government can be tyrannical. "Ha!" Show me where that’s happened? I never read it in the New York Times.
Well, I’m pretty sure I covered all the bases. Now stop being stupid, you Republicans, and give up your rights so everyone can be equally without rights. Because everyone knows that equality is good.
Sincerely - The Progressive