"Colin Kaepernick Fights The Power. My Brothers!"
"Colin Kaepernick Fights The Power. My Brothers!”
This is a man whose career as a quarterback was going down the toilet, until, he grew a ‘fro. (That’s “Afro” for my White friends.) It was a seventies style ‘fro, too. Big, like Jessie Jackson’s, way back in 1975. Like my former Trumpet player, in my old soul band named “Weaver.” Yes, Weaver had a ‘fro, too, signalling his solidarity with the chicks, just like my “Freak-flag” (long hair,) was also about solidarity with the chicks...plus peace and other important stuff. We both wore our dashikis, our 5’inch pimp-heeled shoes, which showed solidarity with our pimp brothers, who were fighting the power like Colin, smacking bitches and Ho’s if they didn’t bring them they money.
Colin praised Fidel Castro’s island prison as a model for America...cause they got free healthcare and free schooling. Fidel Castro loved his peoples so much, that he’d kill them if they tried to get off his island paradise, on a raft made of driftwood, sailing thru shark-infested waters, trying like a son-of-a-bitch to get to Amerikkka! I guess they didn’t know how good they had it, with all that free stuff. When Fidel died, he passed Cuba on to his brother, Raul, like an heirloom. But, that’s the price you pay for having a communist dictator, who seizes power from a dictator, and never again allows a “Real” election for the next 60 years, all in the name of “The People’s Revolution.”
In response to his demotion to 2nd string quarterback, old Colin decided to take a knee and protest police brutality, like Fidel, his hero would’ve. Because shooting people who disagree with you, like Fidel Castro, is the way to go.
This will be the moment when some ill-informed Progressive will say “You mean like the cops shooting unarmed Black men?”
“Dang!” I say. Not like that at all! Since the actual numbers of unarmed Black men shot by the cops is statistically about as likely as winning the lottery. (Really.) Whereas, the number of people fleeing hellholes like Cuba or The old USSR, or communist China, or any other damned socialist hellhole, total in the hundreds of millions, quite literally.
And where do they go? "Amerikkka." The land of hate and White supremacy.
What this really means, is simple: Colin Kaepernick is a moron.
That’s it. His understanding of history, economics, or Geo-politics, is about as substantive as one might expect from some 1970’s-Afro-wearing millionaire, football player who was raised by White folk, and knows literally nothing about anything that couldn’t easily fit on a booger, a breadcrumb, or the mind of the average Progressive, (Now, that’s small!)
This is true of the CEO of Nike, as well, making $150.00 tennis shoes in 3rd world sweatshops, and then passing out millions of dollars to Colin “Super Fly” Kaepernick as an act of solidarity with the downtrodden. Not surprisingly, the CEO of Nike, Mark Parker, earned just shy of $50,000,000.00 in the fiscal year 2016.
If this offends you, it should. It certainly offends me.
Mark Magula Because it certainly offends me.
This is a man whose career as a quarterback was going down the toilet, until, he grew a ‘fro. (That’s “Afro” for my White friends.) It was a seventies style ‘fro, too. Big, like Jessie Jackson’s, way back in 1975. Like my former Trumpet player, in my old soul band named “Weaver.” Yes, Weaver had a ‘fro, too, signalling his solidarity with the chicks, just like my “Freak-flag” (long hair,) was also about solidarity with the chicks...plus peace and other important stuff. We both wore our dashikis, our 5’inch pimp-heeled shoes, which showed solidarity with our pimp brothers, who were fighting the power like Colin, smacking bitches and Ho’s if they didn’t bring them they money.
Colin praised Fidel Castro’s island prison as a model for America...cause they got free healthcare and free schooling. Fidel Castro loved his peoples so much, that he’d kill them if they tried to get off his island paradise, on a raft made of driftwood, sailing thru shark-infested waters, trying like a son-of-a-bitch to get to Amerikkka! I guess they didn’t know how good they had it, with all that free stuff. When Fidel died, he passed Cuba on to his brother, Raul, like an heirloom. But, that’s the price you pay for having a communist dictator, who seizes power from a dictator, and never again allows a “Real” election for the next 60 years, all in the name of “The People’s Revolution.”
In response to his demotion to 2nd string quarterback, old Colin decided to take a knee and protest police brutality, like Fidel, his hero would’ve. Because shooting people who disagree with you, like Fidel Castro, is the way to go.
This will be the moment when some ill-informed Progressive will say “You mean like the cops shooting unarmed Black men?”
“Dang!” I say. Not like that at all! Since the actual numbers of unarmed Black men shot by the cops is statistically about as likely as winning the lottery. (Really.) Whereas, the number of people fleeing hellholes like Cuba or The old USSR, or communist China, or any other damned socialist hellhole, total in the hundreds of millions, quite literally.
And where do they go? "Amerikkka." The land of hate and White supremacy.
What this really means, is simple: Colin Kaepernick is a moron.
That’s it. His understanding of history, economics, or Geo-politics, is about as substantive as one might expect from some 1970’s-Afro-wearing millionaire, football player who was raised by White folk, and knows literally nothing about anything that couldn’t easily fit on a booger, a breadcrumb, or the mind of the average Progressive, (Now, that’s small!)
This is true of the CEO of Nike, as well, making $150.00 tennis shoes in 3rd world sweatshops, and then passing out millions of dollars to Colin “Super Fly” Kaepernick as an act of solidarity with the downtrodden. Not surprisingly, the CEO of Nike, Mark Parker, earned just shy of $50,000,000.00 in the fiscal year 2016.
If this offends you, it should. It certainly offends me.
Mark Magula Because it certainly offends me.